Итоговый лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку (7 класс, IV четверть)


I. Fill in the blanks and translate:

Go - - - do - - -
- won - - - - - понимать
Swim - - - sit - - -
- - - читать - stood - -
- - had - begin - - -
- spent - - - - - строить
Take - - - - - -уметь (мочь)

II. Put the verb in the right form:

Sveta school 2 years ago. a) finishes b) finished c) is finis
·.Our lessons at 8.45 o’clock every day. a) begin b) will begin c) have begun
c) begins
8. Did you him yesterday? a) have seen b) see c) are seeing d) was seen
9. What you tomorrow? a) do b) are doing c) done c) will do
10. Fred in the sea last month. a) swims b) swam c) has swum d) is swimming

III. Образуй наречия образа действия от прилагательных:
Bad, slow, stupid, easy, usual, good.

IV. Fill in the blanks and translate the words into Russian:
ch.mpi.nship c.mp.ti.ion
Rec.rd s.ore
t.l.nt f.r.ard

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