Describing amazing places around the world

Describing amazing places around the world: Passive Voice (Past Simple Tense) Measurements: age, height, length, size, weight, width,Other words: Discovery discover, invent, invention, material Nasca lines in Peru Passive Voice: Past SimpleTo be + v3 {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}PositiveIt was recorded last week.They were made a long time ago.Negative It wasn`t recorded last week.They weren`t made a long time ago.QuestionsWas it recorded last week?Were they made a long time ago? 1.They were cut into the ground.2.They were made by the Nascan people.3.When were the drawings made?4.They were made over period of thousand years ago.5.They weren`t found for thousands of years.6.They were first discovered by pilots in the 1920s7.Why were they drawn that size?8.They weren`t drawn for humans.9.They were made for sky gods. Great Wall in China 1.Were taken2. Were made3.Was buried4.Were not /weren`t discovered5.Were found6.Were they made7.Were they build 1.Big size - b2.Heavy weight - c3.High height - f4.Long length - e5.Old age - d6.Wide width - a The Egyptian pyramids ALEX: Tell me about the pyramids. Hesham.When were they built?Hesham: The first pyramids were built more than 4500 years ago. They`re made of huge blocks of stone.ALEX: How did they carry them?Hesham: They were carried by boats down the river Nile. However, nobody knows how the pyramids were actually built. ALEX: How big are they?Hesham: They are not the same size, but the biggest pyramids are about 100 metres high. ALEX: Wow, that`s huge! They were tombs for the kings, weren`t they?Hesham: Yes, they were.  The Egyptian pyramids1.Age 2.Material3. Transported by4.Height about5. Used asran4 500 years oldstoneboatsone hundred metresTombs for the kings

An amazing place in our own country1.What is it?2.Where was it built?3.What material was it made?4.How big is it?5.Have you been there?6.Why is It amazing?7.When was it made? The historical place of our village.1.What is it?2.Where was it built?3.What material was it made?4.How big is it?5.Have you been there?6.Why is It amazing?7.What was it found in?