Презентация по английскому языку на тему Памятники мировой культуры в опасности (8 класс)

Monuments In Danger WHAT IS MONUMENTA statue, building or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person or event. SOME MONUMENTS IN DANGER

BEFOREAFTERThe Statue of Liberty in New York was a gift from the French people to the American people and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy. For many years now, acid rain has been damaging the statue and has even changed its colour. The Great Sphinx in Giza The Great Sphinx in Giza is one of the most fascinating historical monuments of all and a national symbol of both ancient and modern Egypt. It was built about 4,500 years ago and is the biggest stone sculpture made by man. Unfortunately, wind, smog and acid rain are putting this wonderful monument in danger. TAJ MAHAL BUILD 350 YEARS AGO BY EMPEROR “SHAH JAHAN” AS A MAUSOLEUM FOR HIS WIFE “MUMTAZ”, THE TAJ MAHAL WAS BUILT OF MARBLE, JADE AND OTHER PRECIOUS STONE. BUT its white walls have BEGUN TO FADE owing to the effect of pollution from vehicles, factories and workshop in the nearly city of AGRA. POLLUTION has begun to mar the walls of monuments… SEE YOURSELF THE DIFFERENCE SOME POLLUTED IMAGES OF TAJ MAHAL The Buddha of Bamiyan (Afghanistan) was 6th-century monumental statue of standing buddha.It was dynamited and destroyed in March 2001 by the Taliban after the Taliban government declared that it was an idol. Pollution and negative human behaviour are affecting the MONUMENTS See the results of human behaviour DON’T SCRIBBLE THE MONUMENT A bust of Germanicus Caesar. Note the cross incised on the statue's forehead and the broken off nose Vandalizm in our days IT IS OUR RESPONCIBILITY TO PROTECT OUR MONUMENTS.... Green WisdomWe do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. (Native American Proverb) ANSWER THE QUESTIONSWHAT IS MONUMENT?WHAT IS THE ROLE OF MONUMENTS?HOW THEY ARE AFFECTED BY US?ARE THEY IN DANGER?IF YES, THEN HOW CAN WE PREVENT THEM? WHAT IS THE ROLE OF MONUMENTS…????MONUMENTS ARE THE REMEMBRANCE OF HISTORY.MONUMENTS KEEP THE PAST ALIVE IN STONE.MONUMENTS ARE THE SYMBOL OF CULTURE AND CIVILIZATION.WITHOUT MONUMENTS IT WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFICULT FOR ARCHITECTS TO BUILT STRUCTURES IN PRESENT DAYS.MONUMENTS HELPS TO DESCRIBE THE LIFE OF THE ANCIENT TIME AND BRING IT BACK TO THE PRESENT TIME.