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EASTERВыполнила учитель Юзбашева Д.П. HistoryEaster is celebrated every spring. It is always celebrated on Sunday. Easter has its roots in many traditions gathered from many parts of the globe. This holiday dedicates to Jesus Christ resurrection (воскрешению Иисуса Христа) GreetingsOn the Sunday people usually greet each other with the words - Christ is risen - He is risen indeed! And people should kiss each other three times. Easter symbolsEggs and chickensRabbits (bunnies) The three most important days are:Maundy Thursday(Великий четверг)Good Friday(Страстная пятница) Easter Sunday(Пасхальное воскресенье) On Maundy Thursday the king or a queen of England gives money to poor people. The tradition is very old. Traditional FoodOn Good Friday people eat fish instead of meat. They also eat special hot cakes with a cross on the top. They call these cakes hot cross buns. Easter Sunday DinnerOn Easter Sunday people eat a traditional roast dinner with lamb, potatoes and vegetables. They also give each other chocolate Easter eggs. Children and EasterChildren like Easter very much because it is a tasty holiday. All the families colour eggs and put them into green, yellow and pink baskets. Next morning children are busy with hunting eggs and chocolate bunnies. They play funny games and sing Easter songs. Egg rollingEgg rolling, or an Easter egg roll is a traditional game played with eggs at Easter. Different nations have different versions of the game, usually played with hard-boiled, decorated eggs. Easter in RussiaWe live in Russia. So we are Russian and orthodox (православные) people. Our Easter will be soon. We congratulate you with this holy and light day! We wish you to meet it with joy and hope! Happy Ester!