Презентация к уроку «Чудеса света» 11 класс

Wonders of the world Wonders of engineering The Eifel Tower Tower Bridge Empire State Building Wonders of Art Christ the Redeemer The Sistine Chapel/frescos The Statue of Zeus Natural wonders The Grand Canyon Lake Baikal The Amazon Architectural wonders St. Basil’s Cathedral Petra of Jordan The Taj Mahal Wonderful people of past and present Jesus Christ Queen Victoria Frank Lloyd Wright Falling water Civic Center Tourist travel wonders Egyptian PyramidsThe Great Wall of China Moscow, St. Petersburg, Jerusalem, Rome, Athens, London, Edinburgh, New-York, …(my list is endless) ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? ??????? Listening Comprehension 1d 2a 3b 4c Fame refers to renown and reputation, or a position of public prominence. Someone can be famous for making a scientific breakthrough, being very skilled at a sport, or producing remarkable art. All of the associations with fame are generally positive, implying the person is respected and honored as well as being famous. To say that someone has fame or is famous is a great compliment. Many people aspire to fame, and should, because it suggests notable deeds. Fame implies that someone has become well known for performing good deeds. Notoriety is a dubious social distinction gained by committing a terrible act. Hitler is infamous, while Churchill is famous. The associations with infamy are negative, suggesting that although someone and his or her actions are well-known, many people wish that this was not the case. Well known criminals can be said to have infamy, because although they are famous in the sense of being well known, they have committed deeds of questionable morals to become well known. Task: Comment on the following statement: The Price of Fame Малый Семячик: кислотное озеро в вулкане. (Чудеса природы России) . THANK YOU FOR THE LESSON!!