Презентация для учителей английского языка Педагогический артистизм в преподавании иностранных языков

Teacher’s acting / performance skills asa pedagogical necessity and their relationship to student’s motivation and achievementАртистизм педагога как условие эффективного преподавания иностранных языковАвтор презентации: Ваганова Жанна Валентиновна, учитель английского языка МАОУ АСОШ Animation in voice (vocal expression) means:maintaining vocal fitness; varying vocal pitch; controlling voice volume; adjusting voice quality.Volume: become louder with the emphasized word, or dramatically softer (to convey emotion). Vowel length: draw out the vowel of the emphasized word.Pause before. (If it becomes very long, it becomes “the dramatic pause”).Enunciate the consonants. Using a model sentence such as the following, practice the various techniques by repeatingthe entire sentence, but emphasizing one element. The context is provided to contrast the key word with a contrary thought, as if the listener misunderstood:didn’t asked not steal not just oneI | t o l d | y o u | t o b u y | m e | a b u n c h | o f r o s e s .not Ann not Jay not John not petunias Varying speaking rate: slow down the emphasized word and speed up the de-emphasized words. Correct breathing.Maintaining good acoustics; audibility (but without shouting).Find the best seating arrangements for a class:circle, horseshoe, orderlyrows, separate tables, pairs, opposing teams, etc. Particular vocal devices include:Setting off a phrase or word with strategic pauses;Slowing down the articulation of the most important word or phrase;Speaking the most important words at a markedly lower pitch;Using rising inflection to signal the climactic point; or speaking in a noticeably quieter tone to make the students listen more closely. Creative and spontaneous use ofclassroom physical space (try to teach from the back of the classroom; try entering the students’ physical space - sit next to them, lean on their chairs, walk slowly between desks). Make a class less teacher-dominated! Remember about sight lines. Be sure that you can be seen and heard by students seated at various points in the classroom. Break away from the podium, desk or chalkboard. Use space to emphasize important points, establish a desired relationship with students, and hold students’ attention. Improvisation skills. Altering the pace of the lesson. Although it is important to have a pre-arranged plan, being spontaneous andflexible creates a vibrant lesson. Before class begins: During the lesson: need good preparation! for variety within a secure setting. Teachers need to walk a fine line between predictability and surprise, without lurching into either monotony or anarchy. Bring appropriate humor and jokes into the classroom: do notforget about its impact on teaching and possible benefitsfor students. Teachers should mark the stages of a lesson and changes of activity.Make a clear start (like the rise of a theatre curtain). To re-focus the students’ attention during the lesson: clap your hands, raise your hand. When a lesson is finished, give students a summary of what has happened. Creating surprise and anticipation in the classroom.The use of suspense makes material more intriguing for students. Try developing an “anticipatory set” at the beginning of class: a question which you will answer by the end of the lesson. Always think about creative, dynamic beginnings and endings.Try to make a dramatic entrance and memorable exit.Do not forget about opening and closing remarks. End on a high note, giving a feeling of completeness. Classroom management (the ability to control and inspire a class; maintaining discipline). Find attention-getters! Classroom management includes:Timing activitiesArranging and rearranging seatingDeciding where you will stand or sitEstablishing or relinquishing authority Gathering and holding students’ attentionCritical moments (dealing with unexpected problems)Use of silence Try to spread your attention evenly and appropriately.Use your intuition to gauge what students are feeling.Elicit honest feedback from students. Really listen to your students!Develop a firm warmth or a warm firmness. What elements are necessary for successful language teaching and learning? Engagement: games, music, discussions, stimulating pictures, dramatic stories, amusing anecdotes, etc.Study: focus on language (grammar, vocabulary, etc)Activate: exercises designed to get students using language as freely and communicatively as they can (role-play)The lesson sequence:Engage Study Activate Role-playing: activities where students are asked to imagine that they are in different situations and act accordingly. Acting out dialogues: way of encouraging quiet students to speak more freely. Developing drama in English: the route to improve English. Effective types of using drama activities:Simulation (a large-scale role play)Short drama games involving movement and imagination (“Be someone else”)Guided or prepared improvisation Acting play scripts (short sketches or scenes) Drama is a unique teaching tool, vital for language development, as it simulates reality and develops self expression.The school of the future will, perhaps, not be aschool as we understand it—with benches,blackboards, and a teacher’s platform—it may be atheatre, a library, a museum, or a conversation.—Leo Tolstoy Aims of drama in education:1. To help students understand themselves and the language they learn, to motivate them.2. To help students know how and when (and when not) to adapt to the world they live in.3. To help students gain knowledge and satisfaction from the medium of drama. Humanising language teaching: Putting the ‘H-U-M-A-N’ into ‘being’ a good teacherH (humorous) U (unexpected) M (motivating) A (active and artistic) N (natural) Whatever their personal style, all teachers are performers and the classroom is their stage. But success can depend on the kind of show they put on. Now the curtain comes down. Try to welcome your students with a smile and comments how glad you are to see them. Never show anger. Don't be a punisher. Never lose your cool. All things will pass. Things in your classroom will happen. This goes hand in hand with being professional. Being always nervous is a sure way to shorten your career.  Give students choices if possible.Positive feedback at all times (try to use positive statements when commenting on students' work).Accept every student no matter what. It’s time to get ready for the next lesson…