Презентация Insects для 4-5 классов

ProjectDesigned by Lyubimtseva E.INSECTS Insects have lived on Earth for about 400 million years. There are more insects than all other kinds of animals. Ninety per cent of the world’s animals are insects. Insects live everywhere on Earth – in your garden, in the pond, in the rainforests, and even in deserts. BEE Honey bees collect nectar to take back to their hive for food. Worker bees visit more than two thousand flowers each day. Bees make honey and they can sting. BUTTERFLIES Butterflies are beautiful, brightly coloured insects. Some butterflies live for a year, others live only for a week. Butterflies don’t usually fly at night. Caterpillars A caterpillar isn’t exactly an insect, but it will be one when it’s an adult. It is one of the stages of a butterfly or a moth. DRAGONFLYDragonflies appeared 320 million years ago. They were very big. Their wings were 75 cm wide. Today the biggest dragonflies are 19 cm across their wings. They are the fastest insects and they can fly up to 97 km an hour. Cockroaches appeared on Earth around 350 million years ago. Cockroaches can live for a month without food and can live without their head for a week. Ladybirds are a type of beetle. There are more types of beetles than any other animals: one in three animal species is a beetle. Many of them have bright colours. Their bright colours tell other animals that they don’t taste very good. Ladybirds are useful because they eat harmful insects. EntomologyThe science of insects is called entomology, and people who study insects are called entomologists. The end