Презентация по английскому языку на тему День матери

День матери в Великобритании (Mother's Day или Mothering Sunday) Празднуется в четвертое воскресенье Великого поста, ровно за три недели до Пасхи В этот день полагалось навещать матерей и приносить им в подарок торт (Simnel cake) в обмен на материнское благословение Дети дарят цветы, открытки и другие подарки мамам Поздравить свою маму надо обязательно! My dear Mummy I love my Mummy. One,one, one I Love the sun Two, two,two I love my mummy too Three, three, three My mummy loves me. four, four, four I love her more and more I count from one, I lovethe sun; I count to four, I love my mummy more. Mother and FatherMother is the dearestOf all the friends I know.She helps me to work and playThat’s why I love you her so.Father is the kindestOf all the friends I know,He likes to take me out with him.That’s why I love him so. Mother’s pet. I’m Mother’s little pet,Yeas, that’s me.And my hair is very blackAs you can see.I try to be as good as goldAnd I nearly always doWhat I’m told.I’ve two dolls,Lots of toysAnd a brother.And I’m very, very, very Found of my mother. My dear Mummy. My dear, dear Mummy, Let me kiss your face, I want you be Happy Today and always Be happy, be happy, Today and always. Be happy, be happy Today and always. Mother is busy From morning to night To keep her family Happy and bright.