S P O R T S in Russia and Great Britain WHAT IS S P O R T ? An individual or group competitive physical activity An active and interesting pastime doing for pleasure or exercise Regular exercise for physical fitness Match countries and sports Russia GB Basketball Volleyball Volleyball is a popular team sport played by hitting an inflated ball back and forth over a high net. In the indoor game each team has six players, while in beach volleyball, played outdoors on sand, teams consist of two players each. Football FOOTBALL is a  game played by two teams on a field, in which players knock a round ball through the opponents’ goal, using any part of the body except the hands. Generally, players use their feet and heads as they kick and pass the ball toward the goal. One player on each team guards the goal. This player, the goalkeeper, is the only player allowed to touch the ball with the hands.It is is the world's most popular sport, played by people of all ages in about 200 countries. The sport has millions of fans throughout the world. G o l f Boxing Boxing,  sport  between two wearing padded gloves. A boxer’s primary aim is to land as many blows as possible to the head and torso of the opponent, using strength and speed to dominate the contest. One of the oldest sports , boxing dates back thousands of years. Today the sport is popular in many parts of the world and encompasses both amateur and professional matches. Tennis Track and Field Pole vaulting Javelin Throw Hurdling Citius, Altius, Fortius The Olympic motto Citius, Altius, Fortius (faster, higher, stronger) best captures track-and-field competition. Track and field’s many events, including the sprints, the high jump, the pole vault, and the javelin, test an athlete’s ability to run faster, jump higher and longer, and throw farther. Outdoor Stadium Outdoor track and field events are usually held in large stadiums. Track events are run on a large oval field, and field events are held on the turf area enclosed by the field. S w i m m i n g Water Polo Synchronized Swimming Water polo, a team sport played in swimming pools, became an Olympic sport in 1900. Ice Hockey Ice Hockey, fast winter sport in which two teams of skaters use long, curved sticks to try to drive a hard rubber disk into each other’s goal. A rough, action-packed game, ice hockey is considered one of the fastest of all sports. It is played in about 30 countries. Ice hockey is especially popular in Canada, where the modern game developed. Other forms of the sport include field hockey and street hockey. S k a t i n g Speed Skating Figure Skating S k i i n g Cross-Country Skiing Downhill Racing Freestyle Skiing Ski Jumping Ski Racing Snowboarding Wrestling Wrestling, sport in which two contestants try to force each other’s shoulders to the floor, thus scoring a fall and winning the match. Weightlifting Automobile Racing Cycling or bicycle riding. Considered the national game of England, cricket is also quite popular in countries that were formerly British colonies, such as India, Canada, Australia, and Pakistan. International matches can last between three and five days, and final scores often total several hundred runs. Cricket Curling In the game of curling, which originated in Scotland and the Netherlands in the first half of the 16th century, a player slides a stone toward a target while other members of the team brush the ice with brooms to make the stone travel further. Diving (sport), act of plunging into water headfirst or feetfirst from diving boards, poolsides, the shore, docks, or cliffs. Fencing, art of attack and defense with a sword or similar weapon. Horse Racing Dog sledding, activity in which a dog team pulls a sled and a driver over snow and ice. Skydiving is an exciting sport in which people jump out of airplanes, free-fall for a time, and then open parachutes to land safely. Martial Arts T A S K S Try to remember as many names of kinds of sport as possible Baseball Basketball Boxing Golf Gymnastics Ice Hockey Ice Skating Rugby Football Soccer Volleyball Badminton Table Tennis Skiing Bowling Skydiving Triathlon Mountain Climbing Fishing Billiards Swimming Curling Croquet Archery Handball Hunting Judo Karate Roller Skating Sailing Tennis Skating Divide these kinds into groups: winter and summer sport, outdoor and indoor sport, team and individual sport T A S K S Describe one or more kinds of sport (rules) Tell about most popular kinds of sport in your country T A S K Y O U R T A S K Proverbs and Sayings about Sport TRANSLATE Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is.It's necessary to relax your muscles when you can. Relaxing your brain is fatal.It’s not whether you win or lose that matters, it’s how you play the game.All men can’t be first.Lookers-on see more than players. Y O U R T A S K Write an essay “Sport in my life”