Урок-презентация квн в 7классе

Are you good at school? Maths English Russian History Geography Art P.E. I.T. Chemistry Physics Biology Home economics Science Design and Technology Religious Education Literature French I like English, I like Russian, History and Science too. I like Physics, And Biology, And What about you? Boring Funny Useful Useless Interesting Dull Difficult Easy Maths English Russian History Geography Art P.E. I.T. Chemistry Physics Biology Science Technology Literature Find the word one out: English, Physics, Russian, French Biology, Science, Chemistry, PT Lesson, subject, class, school Art, Technology, Music, Maths Make up the words: oitrhsy etaeurtilr eindsg yiglboo yaegpgorh Listen to the texts and answer the questions.What’s Robert opinion about registration and assembly?What is John’s favourite subject? Why does he like it?3. What day of the week is Mandy talking about? Why doesn’t she like this day? Form the adverbs using adjectives: Happy-happily Careful Regular Correct Quiet Fast Wise Hard Late Neat Proper