Презентация по английскому языку на тему Елизавета 2 и ее семья

Elizabeth IIТрубеева Светлана ЮрьевнаTS   Elizabeth II , the Queen of the United KingdomPrince Philip, the queen’s husbandElizabeth II, full name Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, was born on April 21, 1926 in London, the UK. She is the reigning queen and the head of state the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as the queen of 15 states of the Commonwealth nations , the head of the Anglican Church, the Supreme Commander of the British armed forces. Queen Elizabeth II belongs to a dynasty of Windsor. She ascended the throne on February 6, 1952 and was crowned on June 2, 1953. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh was born  on 10 June 1921 in Greece into the Greek and Danish royal families, but his family was exiled from Greece when he was a baby. He married Elizabeth on 20 November 1947. Just before the marriage, the King granted him the style of His Royal Highness and the title Duke of Edinburgh. His wife made him a prince of the United Kingdom in 1957.He is the longest-lived male member of the British royal family.

 Prince Charles, the son of Elizabeth IICamilla Parker, the second wife of Charles Princess Diana, the first Charles’s wife Prince WilliamPrince Henry

Match the pictures and the namesElizabeth II Prince Philip Prince CharlesPrincess DianaPrince WilliamPrince Henry

To address to the Queen you should say: “…”Your MajestyYour HighnessMadamMy Queen

The Place of the Queen’s CoronationWestminster abbey
ppt_xppt_y The Official Residence of the QueenBUCKINGAMHPAACLE
The Queen of England must not enter …The TowerThe House of LordsThe House of Commons St. Paul’s CathedralIt is prohibited to the Queen to appear in the House of Commons of the Parliament in Great Britain because she is not its member. This tradition started in 1642.
The Queen Of 16 Countries

Complete the sentencesElizabeth II was born in …1976Elizabeth II was married in …Elizabeth II became the monarch in …Elizabeth II gave birth to Prince Charles in …There was an attempt at Elizabeth II in …Elizabeth II opened the Olympic Games in Montreal in …Elizabeth II opened the Olympic Games in London in …194719521948198119262012 Guess the NumberHTNIRTEEESEVENTEOFURINNEN12345The Queen has got ____ official residences.Elizabeth II has got ____ children.Elizabeth II met her future husband at the age of ____.The official birthday of the queen of England is ____ July.Elizabeth II has got ____ thrones.Как работать с кроссвордом:Нажмите на стрелочку с цифрой, прочитайте задание и постарайтесь ответить на вопрос.Нажмите на текст вопроса и проверьте свой ответ.По стрелочке перейдите на следующий слайд и т.д.fillcolorfill.typefill.on





The Queen has made more than 250 official visits to 129 countries and has received a lot of fun gifts, which live in London Zoo now.Countries visited by the Queen


Преподаватель английского языка первой категории МОУ «СОШ №8» г.Магнитогорска Челябинской области Диплом МаГУ, 2000г. Педагогический стаж 14 лет trubeevas@mail.ruТрубеева Светлана ЮрьевнаTS Интернет ресурсыСлайд 1Елизавета II (1)Слайд 2, 4, 12Елизавета II (2)Принц ФилиппСлайд 3, 4Принц Чарльз Принц Генри Принц Вильям Принцесса Диана Камилла ПаркерСлайд 5Корона 1РукаСлайд 6Вестминское АббатствоСлайд 7Букингемский дворецСлайд 8, 11Палата общинВосклицательный знакСлайд 9ФлагКорона 2Карта 1Слайд 10Корона 3Слайд 12Роза Елизаветы IIСтатуя королевы в Виндзорском паркеСтатуя королевы в Канаде, ОттаваСтатуя королевы в Канаде, СаскачеванБашня ЕлизаветыОлимпийский парк ЕлизаветыМост Елизаветы