In the world of fairy tales 4 class

Внеклассное мероприятие: IN THE WORLD Of Fairy - Tales THE TOPIC OF OUR LESSON IS … Разгадайте послание. In the World of Fairy Tales Whose fairy tale is it? A Turnip Golden Fish The Frog Princess  Winnie – the PoohAlice in Wonderland Vasilisa the BeautifulJack and the Beanstalk The Wood House Check your answers RussiaGolden FishVasilisa the BeautifulThe Wood HouseA TurnipEnglandAlice in WonderlandJack and the BeanstalkWinnie – the - Pooh English Fairy- Tales Russian Fairy Tales Famous Russian and English Writers English writers:1 Льюис Кэролл 2Алан Милн 3 Памела Трэверс4 Редьярд Киплинг 5 Роулинг Джоан Russian writers: Игра "Бюро находок". “A Bureau of Finds.” 1. an apple2. a basket with cakes3. a pot 4. a pumpkin 5. a golden key6. a beanstalk7. the bottle with a paper label “Drink me”. The Characters of Fairy- tales The English Riddles It is a small animal. It likes fish. It is orange. It is not big. It can run. It is very cunning. This animal lives at home or in the street. It is a man’s friend. It is green. It can swim and run. It can’t climb and jump. It is big and strong. It’s grey. It likes to help his friends. It lives in Africa.It’s clever. It can jump and climb. It lives in a tree. It’s very funny. Thank you for your attention!!!