Презентация по английскому языку на тему Окружающая среда (8 класс)

Look after this planet, it’s the only one we have. The appeal of Prince Philip of Britain, president of the World Wide Fund for Nature We’ll speak about: Nature Natural problems Ecology Earth is dearer than gold Remember! Environment To absorb To protect To save To take care=to look after To recycle To reuse To reduce Окружающая средаПоглощатьЗащищатьСохранятьЗаботитьсяПерерабатыватьПовторно использоватьОслаблять, сокращать Bad influence Dangerous Factory To pollute-pollution Waste To dump To destroy To damage To spoil ОпасныйЗаводЗагрязнять-загрязнениеОтходыСваливатьРазрушатьПовреждатьНаносить ущерб Task 1. Right variants To protect nature To pollute rivers Not to destroy forests Environment Not to spoil the environment To save nature To take care of nature Not to damage nature Recycle Reuse Reduce Охранять природуЗагрязнять рекиНе разрушать лесаОкружающая средаНе наносить ущерб окружающей средеСохранить природуЗаботиться о природеНе вредить природеПерерабатыватьПовторно использоватьСокращать, ослаблять Task 2. Right variants 1. dangerous2. factories3. pollute4. polluted5. environment6. polluted7. dump8. waste9. environment 1-2 mistakes - “4”3-5 mistakes – “3”More than 6 mistakes – “2” Can you say, what environmental effects have people? Trees clean the air produce oxygen People destroy forest Water: Marine animals absorb the sun’s heat and transfer it to the atmosthere People- pollute water- kill marine animals The global warming the ice cover the sea in the Arctic and Antarctic The Earth can get the global warming Water pollution Rivers collect rainwater Plants absorb and clean water People pollute water with pesticides and chemicals We’ve found next problems to discuss: Air pollution Water pollution Land pollution Acid rains The disappearing of Animals The Greenhouse Effect The Ozone hole Your home task: draw the picture and write your own opinion about the environment in your town. .