Урок — Презентация на тему: Австралия

1 5 2 4 3 Where is The Australia? Выполнил: учитель английского языкаМБОУ Жаворонковская СОШСиринова Люмила Александровна History of Australia The east coast of Australia was discovered by Captain Cook in 1770. There are 5 big cities in Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane. There are many wild animals in Australia. Some of them: the kangaroo the koala are not found in any other country of the world the dingo or wild dog Name of commands / Team’s nameAgeFavourite subjectHobbyFavourite sportFavourite animalsFavorite meal Warm - up Kangaroo Koala Sidney Captain Cook Adelaide Dingo England Queen Aborigine Big Ban Kremlin Rodeo Carnival Monkey Cowboy Warm - up Kangaroo Koala Sidney Captain Cook Adelaide Dingo England Queen Aborigine Big Ban Kremlin Rodeo Carnival Monkey Cowboy Answer the questions: 1. What is the official name of Australia? The United Kingdom of Australia The Republic of Australia The Commonwealth of Australia The United State of Australia Answer the questions: 2. What area has Australia? About 5 million square kilometers About 6 million square kilometers About 7 million square kilometers About 8 million square kilometers Answer the questions: 3. What is the capital of Australia? Sidney Melbourne Adelaide Canberra Answer the questions: 4. What is the population of Australia? About 15 million people About 10 million people About 6 million people About 1 million people Answer the questions: 5. What is the biggest city in Australia? Canada Sidney Perth Canberra Answer the questions: 6. What is the longest river in Australia? The Mississippi The Moskva river The Murray The Nile Answer the questions: 7. How many states are there in Australia? 2 4 6 8 Answer the questions: 8. What animal is the symbol of Australia? Koala Kangaroo Emu Dingo angoraKo lanAmi yOclmisp nedSiy uneQe epSeh Kangaroo Animal Olympics Sidney Queen Sheep Crossword 1. Древние жители Австралии2.Название страуса в Австралии3. Животное, шерсть которого используют4. Что находится вокруг Австралии5. Животное-символ Австралии6. Ленивое животное в Австралии7. Крупный город Австралии8. Дикая собака Австралии9. Столица Австралии 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Word Box Crossword 1. Древние жители Австралии2.Название страуса в Австралии3. Животное, шерсть которого используют4. Что находится вокруг Австралии5. Животное-символ Австралии6. Ленивое животное в Австралии7. Крупный город Австралии8. Дикая собака Австралии9. Столица Австралии 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 A B O R I G I N E 2 E M U 3 S H E E P 4 W A T E R 5 K A N G A R O O 6 K O A L A 7 A D E L A I D E 8 D I N G O 9 C A M B E R R A And the last competition is your home task - your poems. Your home task is: be ready to tell about Australia.