Презентация к обобщающему уроку английского языка по теме «How to look great »( 8 класс)

«How to look great» 1) Complete Dr Amy Murphy's article about healthy eating with the necessary words.Listen to her lecture to check. In order to stay ______ it is important to have a balanced ___ – in other words, food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food. These groups are ______, ___, and ___________ . You find protein in lots of food, for example _ __ , _ __, __ _, ___ and _ __. It helps your body _ __ and be __ _ and it gives you _ . Fat gives you _ __ but don’t eat a lot – it’s ___ for you. There are a lot of fatty foods that come from animals, for example ___ , ___ , ___ and __ _. Carbohydrates give you more than 70% of your __ _. ___ , ___ , ___ , fruits, and vegetables such as ___ and ___ all contain lots of carbohydrates. Fruits, vegetables, _ __ and ___ brown ___ all have fibre. It doesn't give you energy but it fills your stomach when you are hungry.There are many different ___ and minerals. They help your body be _ _ _. You can get all your vitamins and minerals from fresh fruit and vegetables.healthydietproteinfatcarbohydratesmeatfishnutscheesemilkgrowhealthy energyenergybadmilkcheesebuttermeatenergyBreadpastacerealpotatoescabbagebeensnutsbreadvitaminshealthy

Answer the questions:1) Where is Paula from?2) What does she study?3) Does Paula follow healthy way of life? Why do you think so?4)What does she drink at the party? «How to look great» Right answers1-E2-C3-D4-A5-B

«How to look great» Match the beginnings and the endings of proverbs.1)Health is better2)Early to bed and early to rise makes a3)Healthy mind in , 4)An apple a day 5)Live not to 6)He who has health has hope, 7) Eat with pleasure 8)A change of activity 9) What is food for10) Tastes a)one man is bitter poison to others b) is the best rest. , c)drink with measure. d) eat but eat to live. e) a healthy body f)keeps a doctor away.g)and he who has hope has everything. h) man healthy, wealthy and wise i) than wealth.j) differ To look great we shouldEat healthy food! Eat vitamins! Go in for sports! Avoid stresses! Avoid drugs, drinking and smoking! Be close to nature! Look after your body,hair,face,style!Take care of your teeth! Sleep enough! Not work on a computer too long! Not watch TV too long! Wear modern and comfortable things! Be friendly! Live with pleasure! Enjoy healthy way of life! - Have a nice day!- Good bye!