Презентация к уроку On the oil rig по УМК Вербицкой

Do you like to play puzzles?Let`s start! Make puzzles. Are you ready?
ON THE OIL RIG WE SHOULD KNOWThe way the oil rig worksHow to read and listen to the texts with new words What oil is used forMake a project OIL1. МАСЛО (РАСТИТЕЛЬНОЕ ИЛИ МИНЕРАЛЬНОЕ); VEGETABLE ~РАСТИТЕЛЬНОЕ МАСЛО;OLIVE ( PALM, SUNFLOWER)~ ОЛИВКОВОЕ, (ПАЛЬМОВОЕ, ПОДСОЛНЕЧНОЕ) МАСЛО;2. НЕФТЬ;3. СМАЗОЧНЫЙ МАТЕРИАЛ ; `~ FILTER МАСЛЯНЫЙ ФИЛЬТР; PLEASE, CHECK MY ~ПОСМОТРИТЕ , ЕСТЬ ЛИ У МЕНЯ МАСЛО В МАТОРЕ; 4. ОБЫКН. МНОЖ. МАСЛЯНАЯ КРАСКА; TO PAINT IN ~S ПИСАТЬ МАСЛОМ, МАСЛЯНЫМИ КРАСКАМИ Read the sentences and find the corresponding meaning of the word.1. He usually paints in oils.2. You must check the oil in your car every week.3. Russia has got a lot of oil.4. Would you like sunflower or olive oil with your salad? LET`S WATCH THE VIDIO ABOUT THE WAY THE OIL RIG WORKS ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE VIDIO1. Did you see how the oil rig works?2. Did you see how the oil rig works 2 minutes ago?3. Is it interesting to watch the way the oil rig works?4. Is it difficult to work on the oil rig?5. Would you like to work on the oil rig?

POWER STATION SUNFLOWER OIL PAINTS OLIVE OIL TRANSPORT PLASTICS FIND THE WORDS FROM THE LESSON IN A LUCKY RIBBONoilghblackghrightransportghplasticshsunflowerghoilpaintsghpowerstationoils READ THE TEXT ABOUT OIL AND SAY IF WE SHOULD BE AFRAID OF OUR FUTURE. CAN YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION FROM THE TEXT? What is oil used for? Listen and point to the pictures Click to add textClick to add text Make the project from oil-made materials.Work in three groups .Group 1. Make a plastic flower.Group 2. Draw a flower.Group 3. Make a flower from cloths. THANK YOU FOR THE LESSON