Бопан Калима КШГ№15 г.Темиртау — О?ушыны? с?йлеу тілін екінші тіл ретінде а?ылшынша дамытуды? тиімді т?сілдері.

Оқушының сөйлеу тілін екінші тіл ретінде ағылшынша дамытудың тиімді тәсілдері. /The efficacious methodologies of improving speaking ability in English as a second/.Мақсаты: Ағылшын тілін заман талабына сай оқыту.Мектеп-гимназияның зерттеу тақырыбы: Халықтық педагогика және жаңашыл педагогикалық технологиялар арқылы оқушылардың ойлау және сөйлеу қабілетін үш тілде дамытып, лингвистикалық білім беру.Миссиясы: Қазақ, орыс және бір шетел тілін еркін меңгерген, ұлттық салт-сана, рухани мәдениетті бойына сіңірген толық тұлғаны даярлайтын мектеп.
Мектеп –гимназияның миссиясын орындау мақсатында ағылшын тілін дамыта оқыту біздің міндетіміз. Қазір бізде 39 мұғалім бар, солардың 4-і ағылшын тілінің мұғалімі, олардан жоғары санатты -1, І санатты -1, ІІ санатты -1, санаты жоқ мұғалім -1.In present practice of teaching foreign languages there are some typical problems forcing the teacher to address to experience of the schools, to innovative ideas. Among these problems, difficulties and lacks of a traditional technique of teaching there are the following basic problems:Low intensity of pupils’ speech activity.Superficiality in forming of base skills and haste of transition from reproductive to productive kinds of work.Absence of good practical recommendations on elimination and the prevention of gaps in pupils’ knowledge and skills.Weakness of existing system of appreciation of pupils’ work.

Сондықтан да аталған проблемаларды шешу үшін 2012-2013 оқу жылынан бастап мұғалімдер арасында аптасына 1 рет ағылшын тілін күнделікті өмірде қолдану мақсатында ауызекі сөйлесу дағдыларын игерту сабақтарын жүргіземіз.Қазір біздің кез келген мұғалім амандасып, өзін таныстыра алатын, ауа райы, жанұя, мектеп өмірі сияқты күнделікті ситуциялық жағдайларда сөйлесумен қатар, осы мектепте оқитын өз балаларына ағылшын тілінен бастапқы көмек көрсетуге , әсіресе бірінші, екінші сынып оқушыларына толықтай үй тапсырмасымен танысып, оны орындау бағыттарын бере алады. I and other my co-workers have showed, that all named problems will effectively be solved, if we apply elaborations of various innovators for amplification of a traditional technique of teaching that can increase essentially quality of teaching foreign (in particular English) language.Importance and openness of the problem of effective teaching foreign languages have caused its actuality, and consequently the choice of a theme for the given course work.

It also has determined the aim of work: to distinguish the most rational techniques of teaching a foreign language which can be used in school.The subject of this course paper is the process of teaching and pupils who are the subjects of this teaching process.The object of research is to study the variety of methods and ways and their effectiveness of using in teaching a foreign language as a second.In this work it is necessary to solve the following primary objectives: Proceeding from this, the hypothesis of the given research can be formulated as follows:1.Teaching a foreign language should be complex (parallel) with an insignificant oral advancing;2.Teaching should be directed on formation of steady interest to a subject.

During the work the following methods of research were applied:The analysis of the scientific literature on a theme of course work;The analysis of programs and textbooks on the English language of various types of schools both domestic, and foreign;The analysis of experimental training on the basis of experience of the teachers using innovative techniques, results of supervision.Үстіміздегі 2014-2015 оқу жылынан бастап оқушы компонентінен аптасына 1 сағат «Халықаралық тіл және биология» атты курсты биология сабағын 2016-2017 жылдары ағылшын тілінде өту мақсатында эксперимент ретінде енгізілді. The structure of this experimental course work consists of two parts: theoretical part with terms and practical. In the first part "The bases of teaching a foreign language” different bases and principles of teaching are considered. Analyzing on problem of research in the second part of theoretical part the most effective methods and ways of teaching are suggested.

The basic part of work is a practical part with exposition of experience of pupils. In it rod directions of technique of teaching different age - groups are proved and the the given approaches is resulted, including a number of methods and the receptions, raising quality of teaching a foreign language. Осындай тәсілдер арқылы оқушыларды шетел тілінде зерттеу жұмысымен айналыстыру да өз нәтижесін беруде. Олардың осы оқу жылындағы олимпиада және ғылыми-практикалық конференцияларға қатысқан зерттеу жұмыстарының және ҰБТ нәтижесін слайдтан көре аласыздар:Жалпы біздің гимназияда ағылшын тілін оқытуда ғана емес барлық қоғамдық-гуманитарлық пәндерді дамыта оқытуда RWST- оқу мен жазу арқылы сыни ойды дамыта оқыту технологиясы яғни KWL (H) Chart (What we know, What we want to know, What we have learned, How we know it).

This technique can be used throughout the course of study for a particular topic, but is also a good assessment technique as it shows the teacher the progress of the pupil throughout the course of study. In the given theoretical part of work it is necessary to pay attention on those basic statements in which the most essential parts of activity are reflected and generalized. That means the methodical principles underlying teaching. In our case principles are used to define strategy and tactics of teaching English language at all stages practically in each point of educational process. As far as the result of teaching of pupils foreign language is formation their skills of using language as means of intercourse, the leading principle is the principle of a communicative orientation. Its main function is in creation of all conditions of communications: motives, purposes and problems of intercourse. The communicative orientation defines selection and the organization of language material, its situational conditionality, communicative value both speech and training exercises, communicative formulation of educational problems, organization and structure of the lesson.

This principle assumes creation of conditions for speaking and intellectual activity of pupils during each moment of teaching.As far as juniors have still insignificant experience of collective intercourse and they are taught not only to associate in English, but also to associate in general, teacher should provide the support on pupils' realizing the models of intercourse in native language, realizing the communicative function of this or that language unit. Өздеріңіз білетіндей ана тіліне сүйену арқылы ғана басқа тілді еркін меңгерту біздің патриоттық көзқарасымызды яғни ұлттық рухты жоғары ұстау талаптарын орындау деп тұжырымдауға болады. On the basis of this realizing there is children's acquaintance with the form and functions of corresponding units of English language.Proceeding from this, it is possible to plan some rules - following which allows realizing this principle in teaching and educational process.

Principle of support on the native language: Display of generality between Kazakh, Russian and English languages. -Formation of the common educational skills. -Use of similarity and distinctions in the script. -Use of similarity and distinctions in pronunciation. -Uses of carry and avoidance of interference in teaching vocabulary and grammar. It has allowed formulating methodical principle of the differentiated approach in teaching a foreign language.Thus the differentiation is carried out as though at different levels of generalization - precise differentiation is conducted in teaching: -oral and written speech; -speaking and listening; -reading aloud and reading silently; -script and spelling.

In teaching English language process of integration is realized, it shows, first of all, that mastering of various aspects of language, its phonetics, grammar, lexicon occurs not separately as certain discrete components of language, but is also integrated. Pupils seize and acquire them during carrying out of speech actions which realization can demand the use of a word, word forms, a word-combination, super phrase unity and, at last, the text, caused by situations of intercourse.Considering the given specific principle of teaching the English language it is possible to formulate rules. Specific and general didactic principles express typical, main, essential, that should characterize teaching a foreign language at school and, first of all at the beginning stage where bases of mastering are pawned by this subject. The understanding of action of principles of teaching and direct use of rules will allow the teacher to carry out teaching effectively.

The learning is the active process which is carried out through involving pupils in a various activities, thus making it active participant in reception of education. In this process it is possible to allocate the basic functions which are carried out by each the parts. The teacher carries out organizational, teaching and supervising functions. Functions of the pupil include acquaintance with a teaching material, the training which is necessary for formation of language skills and speaking skills, and application of investigated language in the solving of communicative problems . Second, an explanation inducing pupil to reflection is necessary and enough for understanding and realizing of a perceived material with a view of the subsequent intelligent training and application. The teacher can involve various means of presentation. Due to training memory of the pupil is enriched with new units of language and automatism in their use is developed. At application of new vocabulary organizing function of the teacher is shown most precisely.

A teacher should create favorable conditions and atmosphere for normal course of the speech act and should make such conditions in which each pupil would like to participate in work of group, in which children aspired to understand the contents and sense of the text, they have read or listened to, and were not afraid to make a mistake. At application of new vocabulary it is supervised formulation of speaking skills, it is established, how the pupil can use each of them in the practical purposes. One of the primary goals of using constructivist teaching is that pupils learn how to learn by giving them the training to take initiative for their own learning experiences.My own a constructivist classroom are as follows: -The learners are actively involved; -The environment is democratic; -The activities are interactive and student/pupil/-centered; -The process of learning in which pupils are encouraged to be responsible.

Furthermore, in the constructivist classroom, pupils work primarily in groups and learning and knowledge are interactive and dynamic. There is a great focus and emphasis on social and communication skills, as well as collaboration and exchange of ideas. This is contrary to the traditional classroom in which pupils work primarily alone, learning is achieved through repetition, and the subjects are strictly adhered to and are guided by a textbook. Some activities in classrooms are:-Experimentation: pupils are individually perform an experiment and then come together as a class to discuss the results. -Research projects: pupils research a topic and can present their findings to the class./you can see Zhaparov Sayan’s project/-Field trips. This allows students to put the concepts and ideas discussed in class in a real-world context. Field trips would often be followed by class discussions.- Films. These provide visual context and thus bring another sense into the learning experience.-Class discussions. This technique is used in all of the methods described above. It is one of the most important distinctions of constructivist teaching methods.

In the constructivist classroom, the teacher’s role is to prompt and facilitate discussion. Thus, the teacher’s main focus should be on guiding pupils by asking questions that will lead them to develop their own conclusions on the subject.-Oral discussions. The teacher presents students with a "focus" question and allows an open discussion on the topic.-KWL (H) Chart (What we know, What we want to know, What we have learned, How we know it). This technique can be used throughout the course of study for a particular topic, but is also a good assessment technique as it shows the teacher the progress of the student throughout the course of study.

-Mind Mapping. In this activity, pupils list and categorize the concepts and ideas relating to a topic.-Hands-on activities. These encourage students to manipulate their environments or a particular learning tool. Our teachers can use a checklist and observation to assess student success with the particular material.-Pre-testing. This allows a teacher to determine what knowledge students bring to a new topic and thus will be helpful in directing the course of study. -Jigsaw and RAFT activities. I and my co-workers used to the Communicative Teaching MethodThe "communicative approach to the teaching of foreign languages" - also known as Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) or the "communicative approach” - emphasizes learning a language through genuine communication. Learning a new language is easier and more enjoyable when it is truly meaningful.

Communicative teaching is based on the work of sociolinguists who theorized that an effective knowledge of a language is more than merely knowing vocabulary and rules of grammar and pronunciation. Learners need to be able to use the language appropriately in any business or social context.Grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary are, of course, necessary parts of effective communication. With the communicative method two primary approaches may be taken. Some teachers prefer to teach a rule, and then follow it with practice. Most, though, feel grammar will be naturally discovered through meaningful communicative interaction. The communicative approach is a flexible method rather than a rigorously defined set of teaching practices. It can best be defined with a list of general principles. In Communicative Language Teaching lists these five basic characteristics:

1. An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in the target language.2. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.3. The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on language but also on the learning process itself.4. An enhancement / expansion, improvement, increase/ of the learner’s own personal experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning.5. An attempt to link classroom language learning with language activities outside the classroom.As these features show, the communicative approach is concerned with the unique individual needs of each learner.The work with the projects I can realize in groups and individually. It is necessary to note, that the method of projects helps children to seize such competences as: to be ready to work in collective, to accept the responsibility for a choice, to share the responsibility with members of the team, to analyze results of activity etc.