Презентация по английскому языку Superstitions, beliefs, national signs in Great Britain and Russia

ЧОУ СОШ «Ступени образования» Автор: Левченко Александра, 10 классРуководитель: Шабалина С. Г. Нижний Новгород 2016 Tasks: The aim is to study the national signs and superstitions in Britain and Russia 1)an analysis of literature on history of national signs and superstitions, as well as reasons of people's belief in signs and superstitions; 2) to identify the most common signs and superstitions in Russia and the UK 3) to determine the similarities and differences between the signs and superstitions in Russia and the UK; 4) to make a survey on this issue. Food, house, wedding customs, numbers, mirrors, animals, superstitions specific to certain occupations.. They are warnings, connected with animals’ behaviour, repeated changes of weather which attentive people have noticed and passed from generation to generation. ObjectsNumbersExamples of actions (“If you do…”)MirrorsAnimals Superstitions connected with certain occupations Sources of superstitions Colours Britain Russia If the flame of a candle flickers and then turns blue, there's a spirit in the room. Когда человек просыпается и видит:Если черный цвет — день пройдет плохо, неудачно; Red sky at night, sailors' delight; red sky at morning, sailors take warning: Если голубой цвет — день должен пройти достаточно ровно, без особых неприятностей и конфликтов; You must wear something red in order not to be touched by an evil. Если красный цвет — в такой день некто попытается расположить вас к себе и, возможно, Вам будет совсем не до работы; Holidays Britain Russia If you want to be happy, eat Christmas pudding on Christmas Day. Встретите Новый год в старой, пусть даже красивой и модной одежде, – ничего нового и хорошего в следующем году с вами не произойдет. Если вы хотите изменить жизнь к лучшему, не поскупитесь, купите новое платье или костюм! If you cry on New Year’s Day, you'll be crying all the year. Мало угощений на новогоднем столе – не быть вам сытым целый год. If you hear footsteps behind you on Halloween’s night, don't look back. Если в новогоднюю ночь у вас в карманах пусто – денег не будет весь год. Plants Britain Russia The holly tree was known to medieval monks as the "Holy Tree" because it was believed to keep evil spirits away. Украденные цветы и прочие растения приживаются лучше, чем купленные или подаренные. Clover usually has three leaves, but a few have four. In Britain, a clover with four leaves is supposed to bring good luck. Горох рассыпать - к слезам. Ivy growing on a house protects the inhabitants from witchcraft and evil. Береза, рядом с домом посаженная, зло отпугивает и от молнии оберегает. Weather Britain Russia A mackerel-colored sky foretells rain. Низколетящая ласточка- по народным приметах, это ухудшение погоды, ожидание дождя. Many sparks in the fire, or an easy-burning fire in your fireplace means cold weather. Насекомые и разного вида мошки, комары вечером вьются столбом - по приметам к хорошей погоде. Also, if a cat scratches the leg of your table, it’s going to rain. Лес шумит без ветра - к неустойчивой погоде. Wedding customs Britain Russia If anyone sweeps around you , you will never marry. Дождь в день свадьбы сулит молодой семье богатство Married on Monday, married for health, married on Sunday, hitched for wealth. Чтобы избежать ссор в повседневной жизни, молодожены должны разбить тарелку, переступив вместе через осколки. Только после этого принято садится за свадебный стол; Seeing a lamb, a frog, spider, black cat, or rainbows on the way to ceremony is believed to be sign of good luck. Жених с невестой должны задуть венчальные свечи одновременно – сулит долгую семейную жизнь. Animals and birds Britain Russia If the first butterfly you see in the year is white, you will have good luck all year. Перед дождем цапля ходит с опущенной головой. If a black cat walks towards you, it brings good fortune, but if it walks away, it takes the good luck with it. Гусь стоит на одной ноге, хлопает крыльями – к морозу, моется – к теплу. Pictures of an elephant bring luck, but only if they face a door. Если убить лягушку, то пойдет дождь. House Britain Russia If you make a bedspread, or a quilt, be sure to finish it or marriage will never come to you. После ухода гостей вытряхивайте скатерть на улицу. A knife as a gift from a lover means that the love will soon end. Нельзя мыть пол - пока кто-то находится в пути - путь ему "замоешь", то есть он не сможет вернуться. Обычно начинают мыть пол, когда известно, что человек уже прибыл к месту назначения. Knife falls, gentleman calls; Fork falls, lady calls; Spoon falls, baby calls. Нож не подавай с левой руки кому то да остриём - к разлуке, ссоре. Food Britain Russia If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake with the first puff you will get your wish. Хлеб выбрасывать - большой грех. Кто недоеденные куски бросает, а не птицам скармливает, тот бедным станет. A loaf of bread should never be turned upside down after a slice has been cut from it. Не ешь во время учения: заешь выученное. A fish should always be eaten from the head toward the tail. Посторонний человек, пришедший в дом во время еды, считается счастливым. Money Britain Russia If one gives a wallet or a bag as a gift, he must put some money in it or else such wallet or bag will bring bad luck. Нельзя класть в кошелек фотографии близких людей – они перебивают денежные потоки. Counting money on the midnights of December 24 up to January 1 of the New Year will bring a person endless wealth during the whole year. Случайно просыпанные из кошелька деньги необходимо собирать исключительно правой рукой, при этом оставив на земле одну монетку. A businessman must make sure that his first customer on Mondays buys from him, otherwise business the whole week will not be good. Не оставляй пустую бутылку на столе - будет безденежье (можно держать под с толом). Superstitions, connected with some particular people’s activity. Jobs Britain and Russia Doctors Doctors try not to exchange their night duties. If they do, they will have a tough night, they say. Teachers It is considered a bad luck for a teacher to be late for the very first class in his career. It means that he or she will not be able to make a good career at school. Actors and actresses The most popular tradition among actors and actresses - if sheets of paper fall down on the floor, one should sit on them not to forget the role. Ice hockey It is bad luck for hockey sticks to lie crossed. Modern superstitions Britain It is also good luck if you see two cars of the same make, model and color within 60 seconds. Numbers figure strongly in chain letters or e-mails, where the recipient is encouraged to copy and send the message to 3 or 7 more people within 3 days to avoid bad luck. Numbers appearing in a certain order or sequence can also be seen as a good or bad omen, such as the dates 07/07/07 or 12/12/12. The subject of superstition Russia Britain House Broken mirror means bad luck Broken mirror means bad luck Numbers Friday,13th means unlucky day Number 7 means lucky number Friday,13th means unlucky day Number 7 means lucky number Animals A horseshoe means good luck. A ladybug means good luck. A horseshoe means good luck. A ladybug means good luck. Wedding If a wedding ring is lost the couple will separate. If a wedding ring is lost the couple will separate. Money If your left hand is itchy, you are supposed to get money. If your left hand is itchy, you are supposed to get money. Superstition Russia Britain Animals A black cat means bad luck A black cat means good luck Plants A lilac with five leaves means good luck. A clover with four leaves means good luck. House Put a pillow on the table means bad luck To see a spider in the house means to get a letter Put shoes on the table means bad luck To see a spider in the house means to have new clothes. While moving to a new house inhabitants must bring a cat first so that to have a prosperous life in the house. While moving to a new house inhabitants must bring rice and salt first so that to have a prosperous life in the house 3 questions:“How old are you?”“Do you believe in superstitions?”“In what particular superstitions do you believe?” 66% - don’t believe34% - believe 80% - believe20% - don’t believe What superstitions do Russian people believe?(30 people were asked)•A black cat – bad luck – 23%•To spill salt – bad luck – 6%•Before leaving a house one should to take a sit for a while – 10%•It is not allowed to wash the floor when somebody is leaving for – 13%•To have a pimple on your face means somebody loves you – 3%•When a spoon drops, it means a woman is soon coming, a knife – a man – 20%•A left palm itches, you will soon get the money – 20%I compared these results with the results of a similar survey conducted in the UK (from the town Bristol, where my pen friend lives.) 53% - don’t believe47% - believe 84% - believe26%- don’t believe What superstitions do they believe? (30 people were asked)•Never put an umbrella up inside – 13%•Never stop on 3 drains in a row, never go to sleep without resolving an argument- 3%•If you step on a crack in the pavement you will break your back-3%•13 is unlucky number – 23%•Red sky in the morning – rain, red sky at night – sun – 13%•7 years of bad luck if you break a mirror – 20%•Black cats are a good luck – 16%•Never walk under a ladder – 6%•Washing a car will bring rain – 3%•Rabbits’ feet are lucky – 3%•Shoes on the table bring bad luck -3% “If people are superstitious, and believe in the approach of trouble because of the sign, it often happens: but possibly more by coincidence than actually due to the omen.” (James Ward)