Речевая разминка как средство спонтанной речи

Warm_upХадарцева И.Н.,учитель английского языка Речевая разминка как средство спонтанной речиМуниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение "Средняя общеобразовательная школа №6 г.Беслана" Правобережного района Республики Северная Осетия-Алания What would happen if…?What would happen:If people could get a driving license at 14?If girls had to do military service?If children over 10 were allowed to vote?If headmasters had to be elected by teachers and pupils?If it rained every day of your holiday?If you were not able to remember numbers?If you could not sleep at night? arm_upgwnI Did you visit your grandparents yesterday? Why? What was the purpose of your visit?Because my granny was ill.It was my granddad’s birthday.I love them and I miss them.I always visit them on weekend.arm_upgwnII Can you imagine yourself at the age of 40? What will you be like?I will be a rich man, with my own business. I’ll have a huge mention, three cars, a wonderful wife and five children. And Alan will be a plumber… (ha, ha, ha)warmIng_up Imagine that you have a million roubles. Say what things you can afford to do.I can afford to travel abroad.I would like to buy a sport car.If I had a million roubles I would open an animal shelter for homeless dogs and cats.If I were a billionaire I would buy an apartment in Moscow, a house in the seaside and travel around the world, but a million it is not so much I can buy a one room flat in Beslan and not very good. warmIng_up arm_upgwnIIa mistakean appointmenta phone call a lista noisea bedan exam/ a testa coursehomeworkhouseworksomebody a favouran exerciseMake do There was a young maid who said, “WhyCan’t I look in my ear with my eye?     If I put my mind to it,     I’m sure I can do it,You never can tell till you try.” (Anonymous author)arm_upgwnIIThere was a Young Lady whose noseWas so long that it reached to her toes;     So she hired an Old Lady,     Whose conduct was steady,To carry that wonderful nose.(Edward Lear) Jokes/limericks http://www.bilingual.ru/goods/enginpictures/comics/http://speakworld.narod.ru/english_comics.htmhttp://www.kaplaninternational.com/rus/blog/komiksu-anglijskie-prikliychenija-1/ arm_upgwnII arm_upgwnIICluster/blooms taxonomyAlere-venn diagrams Fish bone Are you a tecnie or a technophobe?Match each word in the box with a definition.an anti-virusbroadbandcyberspacethe Interneta mousea techiea technophobea) A person who doesn't like machines, especially computers.b) A computer system which allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information.с) A system that is able to send different types of communication signals down a telephone line at the same time.d) A piece of software you install on your computer to protect it from viruses.e) A small object which you move with your hands to give instructions to the computer.f) The imaginary place where electronic messages, information, pictures, etc. exist when they are sent from one computer to another.g) Someone whose life is dominated by technology - especially computers. warmIng_upTongue twisters (скороговорки)http://englishon-line.ru/skorogovor2.htmlhttp://reallanguage.club/anglijskie-skorogovorki/http://english-thebest.ru/skor/skor.phphttp://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/tongue-twisters warmIng_upEast or west home is best.There is no place like home.Home is home though it be never so homely.Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.An Englishman’s house is his castle.The wider we roam, the welcomer home.Home is where the heart isHome sweet home.В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.Своя земля и в горести мила.Дома и солома съедома.Мой дом – моя крепость.Всякому мила своя сторона.Дома лучше.В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.Proverbs (пословицы и поговорки) warmIng_upProverbs matchingAfter dinner sit a whileAll good things come to Speech is silverBad news those who wait. silence is gold.travels fast.after supper walk a mile.(doctor, wise, wealth, body)Good health is above …An apple a day keeps a … away.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and ...A sound mind in a sound …Fill in the gaps Iwarmng_upIdioms You can do anything, but not everything. David Allen (American author)quotationsIwarmng_upThe best substitute for experience is being sixteen. Raymond Duncan (American author) quotationsIwarmng_up warmIng_up-Good morning. May I take your order?-Yes.  I'd like some chicken and salad. -And what would you like to drink? -I'd like a cup of coffee, please. -Would you like something for dessert? -Yes, I'll have chocolate cake, please.  -Could we have the check, please? -Yes, here it is. -Thank you.  Come again.-Good bye.Make a dialogueRole play warmIng_upWhat is common for these words?Indian ChickenPeruFrench chickenDutch chickenRoman chickenHabush chickenListening to the dialogue/storysong1storiessong2
This is a fun warm-up activity and it can be funny to hear peoples associations to different things. It's best to keep it going fast. If a student can't think of one then have them pass it.Create a list of four things about yourself (true & false). Like: I am from the USA, I have two sisters, My favorite food is pizza, etc.-Write them on the board.-Pick a student to read the first one.-Ask those who think it's true and then false to raise their hands.-After everyone has said what they think tell them the truth.This is a good icebreaker. If time permits you can give the students a turn after you have finished.warmIng_up