Презентация по английскому языку на тему: Пассивный залог

ПАССИВНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ Учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ № 35 Пгт НовомихайловскийПоддубная Анна Васильевна PASSIVE VOICE Употребляется, когда важно подчеркнуть совершение действия над предметом, лицом Времена пассива 1. Present Simple am/is/are+V3 2. Past Simple was/were+V3 3.Future Simple will be +V3 4. Present Continuous am/is/are +being+V3 5. Past Continuous was/were + being+V3 6.Present Perfect have/has+been+V3 7. Past Perfect had+been+V3 8. Future Perfect will+have+been+V3 При изменении предложения из активного залога в пассивный, время неизменно, меняется лишь формула.Дополнение актива становится подлежащим пассива 1. She cooks dinner.- Dinner is cooked by her.2. She cooked dinner.-Dinner was cooked by her.3.She will cook dinner. –Dinner will be cooked by her.4. She is cooking dinner. –Dinner is being cooked by her.5. She was cooking dinner. –Dinner was being cooked by her. 6. She has cooked dinner.-Dinner has been cooked by her. 7.She had cooked dinner.-Dinner had been cooked by her. 8. She will have cooked dinner.-Dinner will have been cooked by her. Преобразуйте предложения из активного залога в пассивный:1. Mary translates texts.2. Mark took the pen.3. They will eat porridge.4. She has brought a newspaper.5. We are buying a new TV set.6.They had changed the rules.7. You were eating honey.8. My parents will have played the game by 6 p.m. 9. She will buy a watch. 10. They stole the money. 11. He picks up mushrooms. 12.My friend was cleaning his room. 13. Jane is washing the dishes. 14. They have printed the letter. 15. They had written a story. 16. We will have eaten the cake by then. THANK YOU FOR WORK AND COOPERATION