Презентация для открытого урока по английскому языку в 5 классе A trip to a Present Continuous land

Открытый урок английского языка в 5 классе (ФГОС) по теме «A TRIP TO A MAGIC PRESENT CONTINUOUS LAND» Презентацию подготовила: Учитель английского языка МБУ «Школа №82» г. о. Тольятти Самарской области Дудко Надежда Александровна Актуализация знанийLook at the sentences, read and translate them:We go to school every day.We like English lessons.He swims on Sundays.They read a lot of books. ЦелеполаганиеDo По какому признаку Swim отобраны эти слова?Take Play Read Sleep Can you translate?Знакомо ли вам это время?We are working now.He is standing at the moment. A TRIP TO A PRESENT CONTINUOUSLANDFather Frost lives in this land. He has got Snegurochka and 3 horses. They help him. The horses’ namesare AM, IS, ARE. The horses have their friends – snowmen.I – am He - is She - is It – is We - are You - are They - are The Present Continuous Tense Настоящее продолженное времяОбозначает действие, которое происходит сейчас, в данный момент.Слова, которые употребляются с этим временем NOW – сейчас, AT THE MOMENT – в данный момент Образование глагола в PRESENT CONTINUOUSto be (am, is, are) + V + ing Father Frost is singing a song now. Read the sentences and translate them She is playing tennis now. He is playing football at the moment. They are dancing now. The dog is jumping over the fence now. They are working at the moment. Проверка понимания нового знанияFind out mistakes: I am swimming. Mr. and Mrs. Green is watching TV. They is making a cake. My friend is running to school. We are go to the cinema. My brother are listening to the radio. Let’s check (Проверь себя) I am swimming. Mr. and Mrs. Green are watching TV. They are making a cake. My friend is running to school. We are going to the cinema. My brother is listening to the radio. HOME - TASKWB ex. 16 p. 32 (For all)Who likes:SB ex. 52 p. 67 (Describe the picture) Рефлексия What emotion do you feel ?Put the sun or the cloud on the poster. GOOD – BYE.GOOD LUCK!SEE YOU SOON.