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The Cossacks The government built its relationship with the Cossacks according to the principle of military-feudal system. The state gave lands Cossack troops provided their objection to military service. The land for Cossacks and their family - the decisive factor. Army lands for Cossacks represented habitat. In the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries Cossacks was at the zenith of its fame, in its heyday, because Cossack troops, their life went into the stable course. Cossacks possessed the vast landholdings of Quiet Flows the Don to the Pacific Ocean. The Cossacks had the great control of the management of the other provinces of Russia. Cossacks had a distinctive and local government. By the level of the education Cossack regions were much higher in the other provinces of the Russian Empire. There is much talk about the privileges or immunities of the Cossacks. Indeed a Cossack family owned 50 acres of the land, but did not pay taxes to the state, in contrast to other parts of the population. But the Cossacks paid primary military duty to the state which lasted almost a lifetime. The interior decoration of the Cossack homeThe house used to be two rooms: the great and the small hut. In a small hut there were an oven, long wooden benches, a table. In the great hut there was designed furniture: a cupboard, a chest of drawers for clothes, boxes, etc. The central place in the house was the "Red Corner" - “bozhnitsa". In the “bozhnitsa" there were the objects of sacred or ceremonial significance, wedding candles, "Pasci", Easter eggs, prosvirki, write prayers, memorial books. " A male costume consisted of military uniforms and casual clothes. A shaped suit passed a difficult way of development, and the most influence was from the culture of Caucasian peoples. Female costume The traditional female costume was formed by the middle of the XIX century. It consisted of a skirt and a blouse (kohtochka) sewn from calico. It could be form-fitting or basochkoy, but always with long sleeves, dismissed the ornate buttons, a handmade lace. Skirts were made of calico or wool. The value of clothes in the wealth Cossack family was very large, beautiful clothes rose the prestige, wealth, it differed from other cities. Every woman knew how to spin and weave, and cut and sew, embroider and weave laces. Papaha - a headdress of the Don Cossacks Kubanca- a hat of the Kuban Cossacks Cossackin – a hat of the Don Cossacks Beshmet – a hat of the Terek and Kuban Cossacks Bashlik – a hat of the Don Cossacks –steel-gray, in the Kuban - red, Terek’s one - blue.Burka

Cossacks HolidaysSvyatki: Cossacks celebrated Christmas time, they staged mass celebrations, competitions on horsebacks. Girls dedicated fortune-telling at night. Fortune-telling was associated almost all celebrations. They did not miss the opportunity to lower a wreath at Midsummer, go an apple in Savior of the Apple Feast Day to know their fate. October 14 - Protection of the Blessed Virgin. The feast of the Cossacks of all troops, celebrated as the Day of Victory of 5.3 thousand Cossacks over 150th thousand Turks at the end of September in 1641 in the fortress of Azov. Each member of the Cossack society must know and follow the main principles of morality Cossack, which basically has the norms of Christian morality. 1. LOVE RUSSIA, it is your mother, and nothing in the world will not replace it to you 2. Honor and a good name is cherish life to a Cossack 3. The Cossacks were equal in rights. REMEMBER: "There is no prince, neither slave, but SLAVES ofGOD! "4. To serve your people loyally and not the chiefs 5. Everybody judge from you the Cossacks and ALL your people 6. Keep your word. WORD IS EXPENSIVE 7. Honor the old men.8. Die and save your comrade 9. HOLD faith of their forefathers10. Shore YOUR FAMILY. Be an example Cherepovskaya D.U.Cossack commandments