Презентация к внеклассному мероприятию по теме Ю.А.Гагарин (8 класс)

m o n u t C o a s i e d l r c i 1. He ... the globe in the spaceship “Vostok” m o n u t C o a s i e d l r c i d e n p e 2. Gagarin’s flight ... the gate into the universe. m o n u t C o a s i e d l r c i d e n p e e t u n m i 3. Those 108 ... were a turning point in history. m o n u t C o a s i e d l r c i d e n p e e t u n m i e n a 4. Yuri Gagarin’s ...has become a legend. m o n u t C o a s i e d l r c i d e n p e e t u n m i e n a s i e r t n c u 5. He visited 30 ... . m o n u t C o a s r i a g G a i e d l r c i d e n p e e t u n m i e n a s i e r t n c u 6. ... became a hero of our country. m o n u t C o a s r i a g G a i e d l r c i d e n p e e t u n m i e n a s i e r t n c u r e t c r a c h 7. The words “Gagarin’s ...” have become a symbol of will-power, fearlessness and purity. m o n u t C o a s r i a g G a i e d l r c i d e n p e e t u n m i e n a s i e r t n c u d e i d s t r e t c r a c h 8. He taught others and ... himself. m o n u t C o a s r i a g G a i e d l r c i d e n p e e t u n m i e n a s i e r t n c u d e i d s t r y o s h i r e t c r a c h 9. His name will remain immortal in the ... of mankind. http://pda.top.rbc.ru/wildworld/11/01/2011/525664.shtm http://weblog.rc-mir.com/time1871638_1268089200_0_20108.html http://pazitif.info/picture/46257-YUriiy_Gagarin_takim_on_byl.html http://www.rettro.ru/2009/04/12/den-kosmonavtiki/ http://pazitif.info/picture/46257-YUriiy_Gagarin_takim_on_byl.html http://rcnk.gr/2009/03/ http://ekabu.ru/other/15868-gagarin-jurijj-alekseevich-50-foto.html http://dev.spiritix.eu/forum/9-208-18 http://www.cosmoworld.ru/spaceencyclopedia/gagarin/index.shtml?foto11.html http://s016.radikal.ru/i334/1104/c6/519403f3cbf8.gif http://www.mojgorod.ru/smolensk_obl/gagarin/ http://strijschool4.ucoz.ru/publ/1-5-2 http://foto.mail.ru/bk/ra-ke-ta/952 http://blogs.mail.ru/mail/wishmaster_79/tag/космос http://www.rian.ru/photolents/20090310/163644121_43.html http://uforum.uz/showthread.php?t=7878&page=7 http://www.zhaba.ru/page874 http://www.sarapul.biz/uploads/posts/2010-04/1271082680_yurij_alekseevich_gagarin.jpg http://s003.radikal.ru/i202/1104/f3/24381979a17a.gif