Презентация к исследовательской работе Англицизмы в молодежной среде

Англицизмы в молодёжной среде WHAT IS AN ANGLICISM?Anglicism is an English word or phrase that is used in another language. The object of the research is English borrowings in modern Russian language in the last decades.The subject of the research is lexical units of English origin and their derivatives.The focuses of the work are English borrowings in modern Russian language. Contemporary English is the main source of borrowings for many other languages including Russian. As the flow of loanwords adopted by our mother tongue today is enormous, I made up my mind to concentrate mainly on the English words used by young people. The aim of the work is to specify the reasons of appearing anglicisms in the speech of adolescents. The main tasks are:• to analyze the theoretical material; • to determine the reasons of borrowings; • to examine the classification of anglicisms; • to observe the impact of borrowed words in Russian language; • to identify the attitude of students and adults to the phenomenon; • to examine popular anglicisms in teenagers' speech; • to make a list of the most popular English borrowings used by teenagers. METHODSDescriptive method with the elements of observation of linguistic phenomena.Critical study of scientific literature and fiction;Method of systematization, classification and comparison.Sociological survey. THE COMPOSITION OF THE WORK- an introduction; - two chapters; - conclusion;- bibliography;- appendices. THE EXPERIMENT 107 schoolmates were interviewed during the experiment.The questions I asked are following ones:Do you use the words of English origin in your daily communication?Do you like the fact that so many anglicisms are used nowadays in Russian language?Does everyone understand you when you use English words?Why do you use words of English origin? SOME EXAMPLES FROM THE LIST OF ANGLICISMS {8FD4443E-F989-4FC4-A0C8-D5A2AF1F390B}Russian wordLexical meaningEnglish wordлайкмне нравитсяlikeфэшнмодаfashionтренднаправлениеtrendкликнутьнажатьto clickлузернеудачникlooserплизпожалуйстаpleaseфренд зоназона друзейfriend zoneхорроружасhorrorхэйтерненавистникhaterреальность действительностьreality {8FD4443E-F989-4FC4-A0C8-D5A2AF1F390B}The positive aspects are:The negative aspects are: The opportunity to communicate with people from other countries or people of different nationalities; The possibility of losing the values of our native language;The possibility to learn more about foreign cultures; Being misunderstood as a result of wrong using of foreign words. The chance to develop your language skills. The borrowings must be reasonable in the using. In my opinion the problem of borrowings is rather complicated as, on the one hand, anglicisms expand our language and make it more modern, but, on the other hand, they clog it. Thank you for your attention!