Презентация по английскому языку по теме Что помогает нам развлекаться (11 класс, УМК В.П. Кузовлев и др.)

The presentation was made by Vladislav Kapninsky , Form 11, Novotalitskaya School. The English teacher is Moskalenko G.V.Top 5 popular genres 5MelodramaThis is a genre which shows the inner and sensual world of heroes in especially bright emotional circumstances on the basis of contrasts. It is good and evil, love and hatred, etc. It is also followed by tragic scenes, but in most cases the ends are happy.

4ActionThe genre contains many episodes with firing, fights, pursuits, etc. Most of fighters illustrate the well-known thesis "well has to be with fists". Films of this genre often have the intricate plot, the main character usually faces the evil in his obvious manifestation of terrorism, kidnapping, murder, corruption and injustice.

3HorrorThis genre has thematically extensive and various range of movies directed for excitement of the audience, fear, alarm and uncertainty to create a charged atmosphere of terror and painful expectation of something terrible.

2FantasticFilms of this genre are characterized by the use of fantastic assumptions "extraordinary point", in defiance of reality, of limits ,of the convention.

1СomedyThis is the genre which is characterized by comic or satirical approach. Aristotle defined the comedy as "imitation of the worst people, but not in all their perversity, and in ridiculous"

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