Презентация по английскому языку Rainbow English 3 Unit 4 step 5

Unit 4Step 5 The 24th of january Вспомни правилачтения. or[ɔ:]th[ð]ch[ʧ]a[æ]qu[kw]sh[ʃ]

Read these words th[ð] these, that, this, those, with or [ɔ:] port, door, floor, horse, short [ə:] girl, fern, birch, thirteen, bird [i:] sweet, read, eat, speak, weak, clean A clean pig, a sad queen, a short boy, a strong horse, a tall birch, this floor, thirteen birds, speak English, read books, those girls.I can swim. Can you swim? 1411181520131619171210 The telephone number song. Can – мочь, уметьShe can ride a bike.She can cook.They can read.He can eat.He can teach.He can sing. Can’t – не умею, не могуShe can’t speak English.He can’t cook. Can you…? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.Can you swim?Can you read?Can you ride a bike?Can you cook?Can you speak English?Can you sing?Can you play tennis? Can Tom speak English?Can Emily read Russian booksCan they ride a horse?Can she sing songs?Can Rex jump?Can you see planes in the sky?