Традиции и обычаи в Англии

Traditions and customs of EnglandCompleted the student of group 4ФАРМ9-1 Saidova ZulfiyaРуководитель:Шиповская Л.БУрок по Английскому языку The famous tradition of the British is tea with milk. It is believed that at this tea party is invited only the closest people. Advent - Christmas preparations (1-24 December). One of the main traditions of preparatory weeks - wreaths with candles. Such wreaths make to the first Sunday, and consist of 5 candles - four red and one white. Tradition came from Catholicism and spread throughout Europe. Every Sunday ignited a new red candle. They are lighted in the time when the family gets together for prayer. A white candle lit in the evening before Christmas as a symbol of that in the world Christ will come and light the darkness. We Scots there is a long tradition, celebrated their current on Christmas eve. He called Yule Log - Christmas log. This custom is linked with the ancient Scandinavian holiday burning Yule Log. Vikings burned a huge log, so that the sun shone brighter. In Scotland, celebrating Yule became popular because part of the Scottish Islands has long been under the authority of the Vikings and their cultural influence. Now, instead of logs burn a thick candle. St. David's Day-the Day of Saint David (March 1)Saint David, the patron of the Wales. This holiday is very important for the people of Wales, who are in this day in their buttonholes daffodils, an emblem of the country. Do not forget to congratulate Welsh. Halloween night before all saints Day. Say, Halloween at least two thousand years. The origins of this controversial celebration takes from Celtic culture. The Celts lived in speech - the beginning of the seasons. There was four of them. Самхэйн marked the arrival of winter, and was celebrated on October 31. In the VII century, Pope Boniface IV adopted 1 November - All Saints Day, wanting to distract the English people from the pagan customs. Later, on 2 November was the Day of the shower when people commemorate the dead. However, the tradition preserved in people's memory, and beat them to the end and failed. Hallowe en (Hallows Evening) - Halloween (October 31) Halloween was of great importance at this time with the help of rituals farewell with old, bad, unnecessary and met new. Ancient Englishmen a gift to the gods of nature brought apples, winter vegetables, flowers and left them under the trees or buried in the ground, asking for help and support. At night on October 31 was made to exhibit a bowl of fruit on the street for dead souls, so that they could come to the aid of living. Subsequently Halloween moved to the United States, almost banned in Europe. When in the New world there are millions of Irish оскаленную pumpkin - symbol of Halloween on the eve of all saints was to be found already in every home. Americans started this evening dress up in costumes and go to the neighbors, begging for food and money. This custom is called trick-or-treat "treat. This tradition was in England - a Day souls they begged for food and El rich in exchange for a promise to pray for their dead relatives. English girls believed that on Halloween they can learn the name and appearance of your fiance, and wondered at the threads, огрызках Apple and mirrors. You can, and try to meet a witch for this were on the roads, removing the clothes inside out. New year (1 January)New year in England celebrate without gifts and not necessarily in the family. Traditional dishes for the celebration, no. Usually English Housewives make Apple pie. In Scotland the New year is considered more important holiday than Christmas. New year Highland is, first of all, General cleaning. No case should remain incomplete watch slid, darn socks, sew up all the holes. With the first blow hours the head of the house opens wide the door and holds it until the last strike, so he releases the old year out of the house, and the new admits. In Scotland it is believed that the first person who comes into the house after New year, will have a significant impact on the financial position. Depending on the region, success brings a fair-haired or dark-haired stranger. In England success brings people, brought home a piece of coal and a glass of clean water. In Scotland, New year's eve and wondered about the fate of the family. To do this the night before bedtime covered by burning peat, ash, and in the morning tried to see a sign to remind the footprint of the person: if the toe track turned to the door, so that the number of family members, in this year will decrease, if the door will increase. No fingerprints on the ashes, there will be no change. The first day of the new year for British boundary between the recent past and the mysterious future. This day was associated with many will, beliefs and divination. Rain in the morning of New year heralds a bad, bad crop year. Have also attempted to determine what will be the harvest, along the clouds. 1 January, with the new year, the British have always taken some important decisions that need to improve their lives (quit Smoking, exercise and other). Walpurgis night, feast day of the Holy Walpurgia.Walpurgis night is the main witches ' Sabbath, and also one of the most important pagan celebrations of fertility. Marks the 30th of April, at the height of the spring. This holiday is connected with the name of Saint Walpurgia nuns ,who came to Germany in 748 in order to establish a monastery. She was terribly famous, and soon after the death (777 BC) began to venerate her as a Saint. In Rome the list of saints day - 1 may. April 6 - the Grand National horse RacingHorse racing, Grand National, are classic English races, which take place in March or April in Эинтри, Liverpool. Despite the fact that the races were founded in 1835, it was officially recognized only in 1865 National Committee. Direction, which has 15 obstacles, a length of about 3,600 metres, must be passed twice. Horse racing, Grand National recognized as the most difficult in the world. Favorite nicknamed "Red Rum" - pride of race, staged at the races a record - he has won three times. Festival of flowers in Chelsea .The world's most popular flower show is traditionally held in London at the end of may. This year the festival is scheduled for 20-23 number. In the pavilions of the festival will be presented more than hundreds of flower exhibitions from all over the world. Festival of flowers in Chelsea - not only the largest exhibition, in the last days here you can buy favorite exhibits, from small herbaria to spacious greenhouses. The first two days are reserved for members of the Royal horticultural society. The and