Условные предложения 2 типа

Second Conditional 7 form Biboletova M.Z., Trubaneva N.N. Teacher : Kulichkina A.A Chimnaya school Tattinsky region republic Sakha Сравните: 1. If you in the after classes, I will help you.Если ты останешься после уроков, я тебе помогу. 2. If I could use the computer well, I would take part in the competition Если бы я мог хорошо пользоваться компьютером, я бы поучаствовать в соревновании. Conditional IIОбразование If + Past would (might) If I were the answer, If I were you, I would tell you I would learn German Употребление Используется для выражения маловероятно ситуаций в настоящем или в будущем. Употребление глагола to be в условных предложениях He might help us in this situation if he were a doctor.If were a teacher, I wouldn’t allow my students to call each other names Вопросы в условных предложениях: Perhaps one day you will win the world tennis championship What would you do if you won the world tennis championship? Do exercises: Open your book on page 84 ex. 96, 97 Work book p. 63 ex. 5,6 Homework Ex. 3 page 65 WB