Презентация по английскому языку Space 8 класс

English Words Transcription Translation Mars [ma:z] Марс Earth [з:θ] Земля Mercury [ґmз:kjərɪ] Меркурий Venus [ґvi:nəs] Венера Uranus [ґjʊərənəs] Уран Neptune Нептун Saturn [ґsжtən] Сатурн Pluto [ґplu:təʊ] Плутон Jupiter [ґʤu:pitə] Юпитер Solar system [ґsəʊlə sɪstəm] Солнечная система Jupiter Saturn Neptune Mercury Uranus Earth Venus Mars The Solar System consists of the Sun and the other celestial objects: the eight planets, three dwarf planets, and billions of small bodies: asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and interplanetary dust. Comet We can see the Sun. The planet Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. There are rocks and craters on this planet. It doesn’t have any moons. The planet Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is as big as the Earth. There are rocks, volcanoes, mountains and valleys on this planet. Venus is the hottest planet. The third planet from the Sun is the Earth. It has continents, active volcanoes, mountains and valleys. The Earth has life! It’s a home to billions of plants and animals and a Man! It has an atmosphere. There is much water on this planet! The Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It has the highest mountains in the Solar system. The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. It is the fifth planet from the Sun. The sixth planet from the Sun is the Saturn. It has the largest and most beautiful rings in the solar system. Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. It’s a large, gas planet. It’s color is blue-green. The eighth planet from the Sun is the Neptune. It can hold nearly 60 Earths! This planet is blue. It has the fastest winds in the solar system. Pluto is the ninth planet from the Sun. It has rocks and much ice. It’s a very small planet! It’s very cold on this planet! Name: - the first astronaut - a man who constructed the first spaceship - the first man on the moon -the first woman in space