Пособие для подготовки к устному экзамену по английскому языку в 11 классе

Preparation For Speaking at the ExamIn the first task you should read the text out loud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud You will not have more that 1.5 minutes to read it.В первом задании необходимо продемонстрировать правильную интонацию и произношение. Важно напомнить учащимся об интонации в английском предложении Интонация в английских предложениях{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}Kinds of SentencesExamplesStressIntonationDeclarativeLondon is the capital of Great Britain.ImperativeShow us the map of the Russian Federation.ExclamatoryWhat a beautiful lake!General QuestionsAre there any hotels in the town?Alternative questionsIs it a museum or a picture gallery? При подготовке к этой части задания необходимо как можно больше читать вслух, обращая внимание на интонацию и произношение.Слушать аутентичные аудиозаписи и стараться имитировать. Task 2In the second task you need to ask 5 questions to the given picture (The questions should be special or general).Необходимо повторить времена английского языка и потренироваться в задавании прямых специальных и общих вопросах, повторить вопросительные слова. Возможные варианты вопросов по предлагаемым опциям:{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}LocationPriceDiscountsWays of paymentWhere is the…?How much is it /are they?Do you have any discounts for students?How can I pay?Where is it situated?What’s the price of the…?Can I have a discount?Can I pay cash?How can I get there?How much does it/ do they cost?Do you give any discounts to students?Do you take credit cards? Task 3You should choose one photo and describe it according to the plan. You have only one minute for preparation. You speech should consist of not only the main aspects but also you should not forget about the introduction and the conclusion. You will get 7 points, one point for each aspect.You should start with I have chosen photo/picture number…Then speak about :When you took the photo?Who/what is in the photo?What is happening?Why you took this photo?Why you decided to show the picture to you friend? In conclusion, I think that my friend will like the picture and will share my thoughts. Task 4You should compare two pictures in this task. Don’t forget that you can get 7 points for this task, if you speech on each aspect and start with introduction and end with conclusion:Вступление. The introduction depends on the topic of the given pictures, if they are connected with family or spending time together, for example, you can start like this: It’s common knowledge that a family means people who support and encourage us throughout our life. Many families have important traditions that family members share….Then you need to follow the plan: 2) Краткое описание фотографий, 3) сравнение фотографий и нахождение сходств, 4) нахождение различий, 5) выбор предпочтений по заданию, 6) объяснение причин выбора, 7) заключение. Краткое описание картинокIn the picture I can see…The picture shows…On the right/left there is/are…At the top/ bottom there is/are…In the foreground/background…I think they represent…The image reminds me of…/makes me think of… Сравнение фотографий и нахождение сходстваLet’s compare the two photos.The first point I’d like to make is…These pictures have definitely much in commonBoth photos show…Another similarity is that… Нахождение различийThis one is a photo of…while the other is of…A key difference is that…Another way in which they differ is that…It’s absolutely clear that… Выбор предпочтений и объяснение причин выбораЗдесь вам следует сделать тот выбор, где вы можете предложить больше грамотных аргументов.Ученик не должен забывать, что оценивается логичность ответа. Необходимо употребить средства логической связи (linking words). ЗаключениеВ заключении следует сказать 2-3 предложения по тематике фотографий. To sum up In conclusion To conclude