Food, food, wonderful food (3 класс)

The theme:Food, food, wonderful food
Lesson aims: Educational: To enrich pupils’ about “Food, food, wonderful food!”Developing: The new words reading, speaking and writing to habits.Bringing up: To enlarge pupils interest in learning foreign languages.
Warm-up: Stand up!Put your hands up.Put your hands on your head.Put your hands down.


bananas [bə’na:nəs] – банандарliter of water [li:tə əv ‘wɔ:tə]- литр суbars of chocolate [ba:r əv ‘ʧɔklət]- шоколад плиткасыslices of bread [slais əv bred] -нан тілімі, бір тілім нанfruit [fru:t] - жемісbowls of rice [bəuls əv rais]- ыдыстағы күрішcans of fizzy drink [kən əv fizi ‘driŋk]– қалбырдағы газдалған сусынpizza [pi:tsə]– пицца

How many bananas do you eat every day? How much water do you drink every day? What would you like to eat? What would you like to drink? How many chocolate do you eat every day? How many bread do you eat every day? Questions and answers: