Презентация по английскому языку Do you know English well?

Интеллектуальная играDo you know English well?Учитель английского языкаКГУ «СОШ №23» г.СемейБайжукенова Гульмира Гаухарбековна Do you know English well?
The planQuick questionsWho, what and whereFind the wordGrammar and lexical tasks 2nd round Quick questions What is the official name of Great Britain?
Name the famous presidents of the USA What is the favorite drink in Britain?

How many states does in the USA consist of?
What is the Union Jack?

Who is the head of the United Kingdom?
ppt_xxshearppt_x Who discovered America
Describe the flag of the USA.
What is the full name of the present queen of Great Britain?
Which countries does consist in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
Who, what and where3rd round
GRAMMAR AND LEXICAL TASKS4th round 10201030403040502050 SURPRIZE Will be, tomorrow, writing, I, at 5, a test
style.rotationppt_wppt_y I’ll help you if… SURPRIZE East or west… On thin ice means in Kazakh… We hoped our experiment будет interesting.Will be, would be, will have been Elephant is (big) and giraffe is (tall) animals in the world. I’m very interested…tennis. I’ll be back… an hour. Walking on air means… 5th roundFind the wordCarosearrabitableglassisterelephantailampearestaurantrumpet Thank you, good luck! hhttp://www.arttrans.com.ua/sub/search/search.php?q=&logic=&pout=1015ttp://http://www.arttrans.com.ua/sub/search/search.php?q=&logic=&pout=1015=&logic=&pout=1015Портрет Шекспира: http://www.arttrans.com.ua/sub/search/search.php?q=&logic=&pout=1015Портрет президента Кеннеди:http://www.port-folio.org/2010/part118.htmПортрет принца Чарльза:http://www.fotodom.ru/image/R026-3204.htmlФото Стоунхендж:http://www.bestourism.com/items/di/624?title=Stonehenge-in-United-Kingdom&b=98Фото группы Битлз:http://newfishki.cup.ondu.ru/profile/317676/comments/Активные ссылки на использованные изображения (URL адреса):Портрет принца Ульям:http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1367244.html