Презентация по английскому языку на тему Cultural sites of London

The theme of the lesson: “CULTURAL SITES OF THE UK” Phonetic drill: Icon Antiquary Temple Medieval Mystery Archeology Sacred Observatory Checking-up homework: Exercise 6, p.175A) in southern KazakhstanB) between 1389 and 1405C) because it has preserved in architectural designD) 5 000E) the large size of the early petroglyphs and the quality of their images and iconograhpyF) using a picketing techniqueG) because all the important components of the cultic centre are present and clearly legible The houses of parliament A Trip to London

cipital-------------------------areusq------------------------lrygale-----------------------seumum---------------------- begrid------------------------- babey-------------------------- 5.Training in using vocabulary. Site- тұрған жері construct - құру impressive - әсерлі gather - жинау symbolize – cимволмен көрсету grow - өсу mystery – құпия sacred – қасиетті Match the definitions with words from the text. a) hard parts inside the body of a person or animal that are covered with muscle, skin;---------------------- b) an expert in archeology;------------------ c) a building where people pray;----------- d) connected with the period in history between about 1100 1500 AD;------------------- e) a thing that you cannot understand or explain ;------ f) a person who studies, collects or sells antiques;---------- g) connected with a god or religion;----------------- h) a thing that is a symbol of something;--------------- i) a building from which scientists can watch the stars, the weather;----------------------- Answer the questions on the text. 1)What does Stonehenge symbolize? 2)What was its original purpose? 3)When was Stonehenge built? 4) Who built Stonehenge? 5)What is Stonehenge for people 10. Work in groups. Tell each other what you remember about Sonehenge.11.Do the crossword. 123546781. In what Palace does the Queen live?2. What is the Tower of London now?3. What Abbey plays therole of the Royal church?4. What square is situated in geographical center of London?5. In Trafalgar Square there is a monument to Admiral …6. What is the most famous clock in Great Britain?7. What gallery can you visit in Trafalgar Square? 8 .What birds are national symbol of London? 11.Homework. Write down summary about sites of our town.