Презентация по английскому языку на тему Времена года. Погода (3 класс)

The weather Seasons and months Цели урока: Закрепить знание лексики « Времена года. Месяца»Ознакомить с лексикой « Погода»Повторить глагол to be и оборот there is, there are Формировать умения и навыки монологической речи.Воспитывать любовь к природе и чувство прекрасного. [ch] [а:] [ei] [sh] [ai] [ee] [oo] skate, game, name chess, cheese, chin park, mark, star sheep, sheet, shelf nice, time, like tree, street, meet boot, food, too Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white. IT’S WINTER January February December WINTER MONTH’S ARE… IT’S SPRING March April May Spring months are… IT’S SUMMER June July August Summer months are… IT’S AUTUMN September October November Autumn months are… IN WINTER IN SPRING IN SUMMER IN AUTUMN PLAY FOOTBALL READ BOOKS GO TO SCHOOL RIDE A BIKE SKATE SKI WATCH TV DRAW PICTURES PLAY COMPUTER GAMES What can we do in different seasons? PLAY CHESS January, FebruaryIt is winter time.January, FebruaryLook at the snow.March, April, May.It is spring time.March, April, May.Listen to the birds.June, July, August.It is summer time.June, July, August.Look at the sun.September, October, November.It is autumn.September, October, November.Listen to the rain.December. It’s winter time again.It is Christmas time. What’s the weather like today? It’s cold. It’s hot. It’s snowy. snow It’s frosty. frost It’s rainy. rain It’s sunny. sun It’s foggy. fog It’s cloudy. cloud It’s windy. wind It is warm. Check Yourself! There are four seasons in a year. They are……………. In Ukraine the weather is . I like when the weather is Sometimes it is . All are and in autumn. , and it often s .When winter comes, we are spend more time at . , We can and make a , , , . The sky is Check Yourself! During today’s lesson we have:learned about…reviewed the material about…done…read…written…got acquainted with…found out …remembered…