Презентация по английскому языку на тему Articles

A/An TheArticles ТестЩелкните кнопку Тест для редактирования этого теста Indefinite A / AnBefore a singular noun which is countable when it is mentioned for the first time and represents no particular person or thing.A horse is a noble animal. With a noun complement, including names of professions. She is a doctor, he became a famous actor.In certain numerical expressions.a dozen, a hundredIn expressions of price, speed, ratio.60 miles an hour, 4 hours a day, 30p a boxWith "few" and "little" a few people, a little sugarIn exclamations before singular, countable nouns. What a pity! What a sunny day!


ppt_yppt_yppt_y Not UsedBefore plural nouns.Horses are noble animals.Before uncountable nounsMilk is good for you.Before abstract nouns. Fear is natural.Before names of meals except when preceded by an adjective. We had a late breakfast and decided to miss lunch.

ТестЩелкните кнопку Тест для редактирования этого теста Definite TheBefore nouns of which there is only one.The earth is round.Before a noun which has become definite as a result of being mentioned a second time.We saw a good film last night. It was the film you recommended.Before a noun made definite by the addition of a phrase or clause.The woman dressed in black.Before a noun which, by reason of locality, can represent only one particular thing.There’s a bee in the kitchen.Before superlatives and "first", "second" and "only"The longest river in the world.Before singular nouns used to represent a class of objects.The donkey is a very obstinate animal.Before an adjective used to represent a class of persons.That tax hurts the rich.Before names of seas, rivers, chains of mountains, groups of islands and plural names of countries.the Pacific Ocean, the Thames, the Andes, the West Indies, the NetherlandsBefore musical instruments.She plays the piano


Not UsedBefore countries, towns, proper names.Charlie lived in Chicago in AmericaBefore abstract nouns.Jealousy can be dangerous.Before parts of the body and articles of clothing — these normally prefer a possessive adjective.Lift your left arm.He removed his hat.

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