Презентация по английскому языку на тему еды и напитки (6 класс)

Food and drink
style.rotation Сабақтың мақсаты:Білім алудағы негізгі талаптарды іске асыра отырып, білімді жүйелі түрде игерту және саналатын және саналмайтын зат есімдер туралы түсіндіру. Тағамдар және сусындардың адам өміріндегі орны туралы мағлұмат беру.Оқушыларды өз бетінше жұмыс істеуге, саналы білім алуға тәрбиелеу.Оқушылардың сөйлеу және ойлау қабілеттерін дамыту.

New lesson Organization moment Greeting. Good morning, children. I am glad to see you.Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you.Thank you. sit down please!Are you readу to work?Yes, we areVery nice. Then, let's begin our lesson.Who is on duty today?I amWho is absent today?All are present.Thank you, sit down. Т. Children! We know about. What is noun?The noun is a word expressing substance in the widest sense of the word.T. What form has a noun?P. Noun has a noun singular and plural form.T. How do we make the plural form of noun?P. The plural form formed by suffixes s; -es; for example: a pen-pens, a box-boxes, a book-books.T. What questions are given to noun?Р.The noun questions are what and who.For example: What is this - This is a book. Who is this - She is a pupil. New lesson Food and drinkThe noun has two typescountable noun and uncountable nouns.The countable nouns are the nouns that we can count. The uncountable nouns are the nouns that we can't count. Look at the exercise 1, on page 37. Countable nouns: Uncountable nouns: Next, look at the exercise 2 Complete the chart using the words in exercise 1fruitsvegetablesdrinkother foods Work with partnerWhat do you like and what don't you like?Answer the questions talk to your partnerFor example:I like orange, but I don't like grapes. Grammar.Discuss these question in groups.I like tea, but I don’t like coffee. Grammar.А memory game. Look at the picture for two minutes, then turn to page ... and do exercise Translate into English and write the notebookMany apples, many houses, many cities, much butter, much cheese, much bread, many potatoes.Uncountable nouns has not article and suffixes - s; -es; And uncountable nounsquestion is - how much?An countable nouns question is - how many?For example: How many apples in the bag? - Сумкада қанша алма бар? -How much cheese in your fridge? - Тоңазытқышта қанша ірімшік бар? Work with texts.Read the text 'Food for life' and write the notebook countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Food for life. cannot live without food. Where does our food come from? Meat comes from . People eat domestic birds too. Eggs come from Milk comes from People from make and . From plants we get fruit and vegetables. A lot of fruit grows on trees: , and . Some plants have fruit too, like the coffee plant. So is a fruit drink! What about tea? comes from a plant too, but it is not a fruit. We make tea from the leaves of a plant, so tea is a vegetable! Where does our food come from?Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it. Remember to buy and eat the right food! Remember the proverb: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat a lot or fruit and vegetables! Drink and They’ve got a lot of vitamins. A game: Who can lay the table quickest? What is healthy food ?Давайте поиграем What is it ?It is red and sweet,And it’s good to eat.{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}APPlespulaiprpargoiitgholleetnThe fourth month of the year is Pete goes to school. He is aThere are many apples on the Their garden is not small. It isFour and four are I eat with a Aprilpupil platelarge eightspoon
ppt_xppt_y Закрепление урока 'Shopping List l` таратамын. Оқушылар буындарды біріктіре отырып, саналатын, саналмайтын зат eсімдерге бөледі. Bread,milk, meat Potatoes noun Fish, who Apples what Т. Let's collect the level? To make nouns: countable nouns and uncountable nouns.Pot+atoes countable nounsuncountable nounsВен диаграммaCheeseatoes poteadshBrApplesFilkMiatMe Today we have information about type of noun countable, uncountable and also learned food and drink.Food and drinkuncountablecountablenoun {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}№ Фамилия Имя учащихсяПроверка домаш заданАктивность в уроке Работа с текстомИгра с кубикомДидактические игрыЗакрепление урокаРезультативные оценки1Байымбетова М2Жунуспаева А3Исабек Ж4Мүслимова А5Түрсынбек А6Толенды Б Лист оценок Домашнее заданиеHomework: new wordsEx: 9. on page 41.Write a few sentences about how much food and drink in your fridge.