Презентация по английскому языку на тему Means of Communication

Means of Communication WhistlingLong ago in places where the terrain makes walking difficult whistled languages closed the communication gap. Much like spoken speech this type of communication had expressions and a “vocabulary” based on the language commonly used in the area, and could easily convey a complex message over a long distance. Smoke SignalsThis is one of the oldest forms of communications. In old western movies the typical picture we have is the Native American using this unique form of getting a message across, but the truth is ancient people from all over the world have used this method. Soldiers guarding the great wall in ancient China used smoke signals to alert one another to the approach of an enemy. Greeks devised a very complicated system involving an entire alphabet of smoke signals used around 150 BC. The Greeks used torches while the Native Americans used dried grasses tied together in a bundle. While most people in recent times think of smoke signals as being bound to a specific location where a large fire has been built these methods of carrying small combustible, but long burning materials meant the signals could be sent at anytime from anywhere. YodelingIts initial purpose was communicating over long distances and across deep expanses. In yodeling the voice register is switched sharply and can be easily heard over long distances. This made communication possible between mountain peaks or across wide expanses. It is believed the practice of yodeling was developed in the Swiss Alps, but it is also found in such places as Central Africa. DrumsExplorers fearfully making their way through a jungle would hear the drums pick up tempo and volume, and they knew they were in deep trouble. Far from being a source of terror the drums in the jungles of Africa or Asia were really more the equivalent of the local news. In fact, drums were a simply method of communications across distances since tempo and volume could be used much the same way as Morse code. DrawingIt was not as immediate a form of communication as whistling or yodeling, but the earliest of this type of writings were believed to have been used since pre-historic times to tell stories, warn of danger, claim territories, and even to mark mass grave sites. The pictures were usually crude and created to look like a physical object. These symbols were employed at first to represent physical items, but later developed into ideograms, which could represent ideas. From early cave drawings to the detailed artistry of Chinese calligraphy this type of writing has developed into a complex and beautiful art form still practiced in some cultures. Bell ringingBell Ringing was popular in ancient times, especially, in Russia. Bells’ signals informed people about important or dangerous events in their society. Интернет Источникиhttp://www.weirdworm.com/10-weird-ways-of-communicating/http://www.weirdworm.com/img/science/10-weird-ways-of-communicating/whistling.jpghttp://www.weirdworm.com/img/science/10-weird-ways-of-communicating/tribal-drumming.jpghttp://www.weirdworm.com/img/science/10-weird-ways-of-communicating/chinese-man-writing.jpgdpETjzxwEUE/Ttee0dW8rjI/AAAAAAAAAH4/uXDPDspvE1Q/s1600/Why+should+we+ring+bell.jpghttp://www.bibliotekar.ru/hist1-1/0-1.files/image001.jpg http://s.hswstatic.com/gif/willow/smoke-signal0.gifhttp://www.visualphotos.com/photo/1x6026477/ancient_greeks_using_smoke_signals_artwork_v400088.jpghttp://m1.wish.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/nash_yodeling2_t607.jpg