Презентация по английскому языку на тему Мое любимое блюдо(6 класс)

Topic: “My favourite dish”Motto: “Live not to eat but eat to live” MealsWhat do you like for breakfast, Lee?I like two eggs, some milk and tea.What do you like for lunch, Kate?I like a plate of soup, some fish and cake.What do you like for dinner, Pete?I like potatoes soup and meat. What do you for supper, Sam?I like some cheese, some bread and ham. SaladBread Butter Soup Juice Pasta The programme “Zvana Vecheria” 1 team – PELMENI2 team – PANCAKES3 team – BORSCH Mashed potatoThe recipe1.Take 3 or 4 potatoes2. Wash them.3. Then peel them carefully.4. If the potatoes are very big, cut them into smaller pieces.5. Then put into cold water, add some salt and boil they are ready.6. Get the water out and add milk and butter.7. Wait till the milk stars boiling. Mash everything carefully. My impressions after the lesson1. На уроке я работал: активно\пассивно2. Своей работой на уроке я: доволен\недоволен3. Урок для меня показался: коротким\длинным4. За урок я: устал\не устал5. Мое настроение: стало лучше\хуже6. Материал урока мне был: понятен\не понятен интересен\скучен легким\трудным Thank you!Good luck!!!