Презентация по английскому языку на тему Использование песен на уроках английского языка как средство формирования коммуникативной компетенции у учащихся

КБОУ «Школа дистанционного образования» Использование песен на уроках английского языка как средство формирования коммуникативной компетенции у учащихся Автор :Брантова Светлана Александровнаучитель английского языка г. Минусинск «Песни никуда не исчезают. Они прочнее времени. Подходящая песня способна выставить на посмешище императора и свергнуть династию. Песня может протянуть еще долго после того, как превратились в прах и сны события и люди, про которых в ней говорилось. Такова сила песен». Нил Гейман «Дети Ананси» Использование песен в обучении английскому языку позволяет решить ряд методических задач духовное воспитание и формирование эстетического вкуса обучаемых; развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся; более прочное усвоение и расширение лексического запаса; более прочное усвоение и активизация грамматических конструкций; развитие фонематического слуха, совершенствование навыков иноязычного произношения, правильного использования фразового ударения, ритма; развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи; более полное раскрытие творческих способностей; повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка Проблема выбора песенсложная лексика;сложная грамматика;«ненужные» слова (слэнг, ругательства и т.п.);произношение певца/певицы; отсутствие интереса у учеников к определенной песне;педагогическая ценность песни – либо ее отсутствие. Этапы работы с песнейвведение в тему;отработка лексики и грамматики;работа с аудиозаписью;самостоятельное исполнение или использование караоке-версии;песня как основа для дальнейшего изучения английского языка, развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи. Методическая разработка для работы с песней “This Land is your Land” Warming-up activity. Answer my questions, please. Who can translate the word “Land” into Russian? Can you give a definition of this word in English? What do you think the song is about? What words are associated with the word “land”? (draw a concept web) Land: valleys, forests, waters, deserts, fields) What can we see above the land? (the sky) How can we describe the sky? What can you see in the sky? (the sun) What does the sun do? LandforestsvalleysdesertsfieldswaterSkysandFog(gy)Cloud(y)endless Task 1. Listen to the song. Mark the words from the concept web (the list) in order you hear them in the song. (land, forest, endless skyway, valley, deserts, fields, clouds Task 2. Listen again and use the verbs in brackets in the correct Tense form.This Land is Your LandThis land is your land, this land is my land,From California to the New York Island,From the redwood forest to the gulfstream waters,This land was made for you and me.As I (go) walking that ribbon of highwayI (see) above me that endless skyway,I (see) below me that golden valley,This land was (make) for you and me.This land is ... I (roam) and (ramble), and I (follow) my footsteps,To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts,All around me a voice was (sound),This land was (make) for you and me.This land is ...When the sun (come) shining, then I was (stroll),And the wheat fields (wave), and the dust clouds (roll),As the fog was (lift), a voice was (chant)This land was (make) for you and me.This land is ... Task 3. Listen again and complete each line with the necessary word. List of words: waters, land, me, you, island, valley, skyway, deserts, rolling. This Land is Your LandThis land is your land, this land is my ______,From California to the New York _____,From the redwood forest to the gulfstream _____,This land was made for ___ and ____.As I went walking that ribbon of highwayI saw above me that endless ______,I saw below me that golden _____,This land was made for ___ and ____.This land is ... I roamed and rambled, and I followed my footsteps,To the sparkling sands of her diamond _______,All around me a voice was sounding,This land was made for ____ and _____.This land is ...When the sun come shining, then I was strolling,And the wheat fields waving, and the dust clouds _____,A voice was chanting as the fog was lifting,This land was made ____ and _____.This land is ... Task 4. Please write whose land it can be. This land is (ваша)… land. This land is (моя)… land.This land is (его)… land.This land is (ее)… land.This land is (наша) … land.This land is (их) … land. This land is (моего отца)… land.This land is (моей мамы)… land.This land is (моего друга)… land.This land is (нашего народа)… land.Task 5. Now tell me what country this song is about. - Yes! The USA. Task 6. Find the words in the text to prove it. Task 7. Discuss in pairs (in groups) what you know about the USA (relief, national parks, sights). After that one person in your group should make a report about this county. Task 8. Let’s try to sing the song together.Guthrie Woody - This Land is Your LandThis land is your land, this land is my land,From California to the New York Island,From the redwood forest to the gulfstream waters,This land was made for you and me.As I went walking that ribbon of highwayI saw above me that endless skyway,I saw below me that golden valley,This land was made for you and me.This land is ... I roamed and rambled, and I followed my footsteps,To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts,All around me a voice was sounding,This land was made for you and me.This land is ...When the sun come shining, then I was strolling,And the wheat fields waving, and the dust clouds rolling,A voice was chanting as the fog was lifting,This land was made for you and me.This land is ... Homework. Find more information about the USA and make a report.Try to change the song adopting it to this country (Russia). Try to change some words in it. Thank you ! Список использованных ресурсов: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGKU8awk7Vg https://www.englishteachers.ru/search?q=презентация%20чему%20и%20можно%20научить%20