Презентация на тему Степени сравнения прилагательных (4 класс)

СТЕПЕНИ СРАВНЕНИЯ ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫХматериал к учебнику 4 класса под редакцией М.З.Биболетовойучителя английского языка МОБУ СОШ № 5 Писаренко В.В Сравни предметы, поставив прилагательное, данное в скобках, в нужную степень сравнения.New York is … (big) than Washington.2) Princess Fiona is … (beautiful) than Shriek.3) A cat is … (small) than a tiger.4) Winnie-the-Pooh is … (fat) than Rabbit.5) Nyzhin is … (small) than Kyiv. Напиши 3 степени сравнения прилагательных:finerainymuch beautifulbig small bad lovely Найди и исправь ошибки.Выпиши исправленное прилагательное.1. Winter is snowyer than spring. 2. She is the beautifullest girl in our class.3. This house is the niceest. 4. Karabas is bader than Father Carlo.5. Dogs are clever than mice. Откройте скобки, использую сравнительную степень прилагательных 1) This monkey is ________________ than that monkey. (funny)2) This cat is ___________than that cat. (lazy)3) This woman is ___________than that woman. (busy)4) This book is ___________ than that book. (bad)5) This pig is ___________ than that pig. (fat)6) This tomato is ___________than that tomato. (small)Пример:  This cat is ...than that cat. (big) This cat is bigger than that cat. Открой скобки, используя превосходную степень прилагательных.1) This house is __________house in our town. (big)2) This classroom is ________ classroom in my school. (large)3) This book is _______ book in this library. (bad)4) Peter is ____________boy in her class. (short)5) Ann is _______________girl in their class. (lazy)6) This film is ________ . (good)Пример:  Jane is … girl in our class. (tall) Jane is the tallest girl in our class. Сравни предметы, поставив прилагательное, данное в скобках, в нужную степень сравнения.An elephant is … (big) than a dog.Big Ben is … (famous) than any other clock in the world.An ice-cream is … (tasty) than porridge.It’s … (hot) in August than in October.A car is … (fast) than a bike.6) Tower Bridge in London is … (old) than Millenium Bridge in New Castle. Раскрой скобки:I think elephants are ____(clever) animals.This river is ____(deep) than the other.My mother is ____(wonderful) in the world.Ann’s dress is ____(interesting) than Susan’s. Найди и исправь ошибки. Выпиши исправленное прилагательное.Summer is rainyer than spring. It is the difficultest exercise for today.His answer is the goodest. John’s mark is bader than my mark.Elephants are big than mice. Choose the right answer1. Every year the Guineas Book of Records announces ... person in the world.more higherthe highesthighestHighestest 2. I am 1.9 cm ... than you are.tallestmore tallertalliertaller Choose the right answer3. This chair is ... that the other one.much comfortablemany more comfortablevery comfortablemore comfortable4. Cindy is ... girl I have ever met.the smartestsmatierthe most smartestsmarter Choose the right answer5. Cars are getting ... as the years go by.the cheapestmost cheapercheapermuch more cheaper6. Jim’s is ... restaurant in our city.the expensiviestthe more expensiveexpensivestthe most expensive Choose the right answer7. This is the ... hangover I ever had. I’m never going to drink again.baddestworstbestleast 8. For ... information do not hesitate to call our assistant.fartherfurthestfastestfurther Choose the right answer 9. It was ... joke I have ever heard!more funnierthe funniestthe most funniestfunnier 10. In my opinion the tiger is ... animal of all.more dangerousthe dangeroustestvery dangerousthe most dangerous Choose the right answer11. Do you know that dinosaurs were ... than houses?biggersmallerthe biggestthe smallest 12. I enjoy living in the country. It’s a lot ... than the city.peacefuliermany peacefulmore peacefulthe most peaceful Choose the right answer 13. The harder he works ... he becomes.very successfulthe more successfulvery much successfulthe most successful 14. The noise got ... until I could not bear it any longer.much more louder and louderloudest and loudestlouder and louderthe loudest Choose the right answer15. Their car was twice as ... as ours.more expensiveexpensiveexpensiviethe most expensive 16. My brother is ... than me.elderoldermore olderthe oldest Choose the right answer17. She’s by far ... woman I ever seen.more beautifulbeautifullymuch beautifulthe most beautiful18. I’ve heard James playing the piano. He doesn’t seem to be getting ... .gooderthe bestbetterthe goodest Choose the right answer19. My computer is really old. I need something ... .moderniermore modernthe most bestthe modernist 20. Chemistry is ... of all subjects.more difficultthe most difficultmuch more difficultdifficultiest