Презентация по английскому языку на тему Исчезающие животные Сибири и Северной Америки

Учитель английского языка Седельникова Ирина Александровна МБОУ ООШ №8 г.Анжеро-СудженскаENDANGERED ANIMALS OF SIBERIAAND NORTH AMERICA Today, protecting animals’ habitats are becoming more and more important and essential. It seems that endangered wildlife is everywhere around us. Every year the number of endangered species steadily grows .
Habitat destructionFishing industryPollutionWildlife tradeAgricultureInternational finance

Taiga is the Russian word for forest. It circles the territory covering Canada, Sweden, Finland and inland Norway, Russia, Siberia, Scandinavia, Alaska, parts of Kazakhstan, Mongolia and a small amount in Japan. The climate in the Taiga region is characterized by a very cold winter. It is home to a large number of animals.

Habitat loss, pollution, logging, and hunting are the main reasons for endangerment. In Siberia's taiga deforestation and pollution, mining activities, fires in the woods have also caused habitat loss.

. There are conservation organizations which try to make people aware of the problems facing wild animals. Some of the ways in which they are being saved include habitat protection, captive breeding, setting up nature reserves and parks and using alternative products in place of products from rare animals.
In Russia, the Russian Federation Red Book of Endangered Species is the most important mechanism of protecting animals which are on the edge of extinction. The Red Book of Kuzbass was created for systematisation and protection of flora and fauna of our region.

The United States has 59 protected ares known as national parks.The most famous American National parks are: Yellowstone, The Great Smoky Mountains, The Everglades, The Great Canyon.There are 38 National Parks and eight National Park Reserves in Canada There are 48 national parks in Russia including Shorsky National Park, Russian Arctic National Park, Pribaikalsky National Park in Siberia.

http://a-z-animals.com/animals/endangered/ http://www.worldwildlife.org/about

Everyone can help protect the world’s endangered animals!
Internet resources:http://a-z-animals.com/animals/endangered/http://www.animalport.com/Animals-In-Danger.htmlhttp://www.animalfactguide.com/animal-facts/siberian-tiger/http://www.animalport.com/endangered-animals/taiga.htmlhttp://www.buzzle.com/articles/endangered-animals-facts.htmlhttp://education.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/taiga/http://www.ehow.com/way_5527493_causes-endangered-animals-north-america.htmlhttp://hubpages.com/education/North-America-Top-10-Endangered-Species-Listhttp://www.kemobl.ru/PASPORT/eng_animals.htmhttp://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/articles/endangered_animals/americasmostendangeredanimals.htmhttps://sites.google.com/site/endangeredanimalsofrussia/http://ucrazy.ru/foto/1430399158-10-nacionalnyh-parkov-i-zapovednikov-rossii-kotorye-nuzhno-posetit.htmlhttp://www.worldwildlife.org/about