Презентация Повторение лексики. 7 класс

Revising Lexics English 7O.V. AfanasyevaI.V.Mikheeva Interpreter – does translations orally Vocabulary – 1. all the words in a language 2. a list of words 3. all the words one person knowsHome – the place where you live and feel you belong toTranslator - does translations in writingDictionary – a bookHouse – a building in which people live To go to sleep – ложиться спатьTo murmur – to speak or say in a low voiceTo fall asleep – заснутьTo mumble – to speak indistinctly To be + Adj (быть) To get + Adj(стать …, превратиться)tiredlosthungrythirstydarklatedirtymarriedcoldwarmdrysunnywindycloudy LateLater – более позднийThe latest – последний на данный моментLatter – последний из упомянутыхThe last – последний, больше не будет; последний по порядкуLast – прошлый по времени (last year, last month, last week, last summer OldOlder – старший по возрастуThe oldest – старейший, самый старыйElder – старший по рождению в семье (о братьях, сестрах, детях)The eldest – самый старший, «старшенький» farРасстояние farther/further farthest/furthestДальнейший по порядку следования further furthest nearNearer/nearestБлижайший, самый близкийНО: in the near futureNext door – по соседствуNext-door - соседнийNextСледующий по порядку, соседний SportsTo play games – To go in for sports – To do a lot of/a bit of sportsTo play tennisTo play golfTo go in for skiingTo go on for boxingTo do quite a lot of rowingTo do a bit of boxing To repair something that is torn/brokenthat is not working properlyTo throw – do on purposeGolden – made of gold (RARELY); looking like goldUnless – negative sentencesAny – each of many or someTo mend something that is torn, broken, has a hole in it.To drop – do without a purposeGold – made of goldIf – positive sentencesEither – each of the two To doMorning exercisesThe cooking (the cleaning, the shopping, the ironing, the reading, etc)One’s teeth (hair)HomeworkHouseworkOne’s bestWellA translationThe sightsSmb a favourSmb good/harm/wrongTo makeA mistakeDinnerMoneyA decisionA noiseProgressA fireA bedA fortuneA choiceAn effortFriends/enemiesA lawA listA note