Презентация к уроку английского языка «Family», 4 класс

Family На этом уроке мы будем учиться:1) называть по-английски членов семьи;2) составлять предложения по теме «Семья» с опорой на картинку;3) составлять рассказ о своей семье на основе прочитанного текста;4) употреблять глаголы в прошедшем времени (Past Simple) в устной речи. What are the words? mo ther sis ter fa fa un ter daugh mily grand ther mother cle Look at the blackboard and try to read the sentences! Mr. Smith has got a son. Mrs.Abb has got a daughter. Father, mother, sister, brother Hand in hand with one another. Phonetic drill Look at the picture. Translate the words and word combinations. Complete the text. My name is Mag. My surname is Black. I've got a big family. I have got a father,... We like to be together on Saturdays and Sundays. Yesterday I took a funny photo of my family. Look at my mother! She is beautiful. My younger sister and I look like our mother. My mother likes to ... with my sister Becky. My grandfather likes to ... for my brother. My father likes to .... My grandmother likes to .... My dog likes to ... and my cat likes to ... . I love my family. I think your eyes are got tired. Let’s give them a rest. Close them, and now open them widely. Look up, left, down, right. Again, please. Exercise for eyes. Listen and complete the sentences. 1. Alex has got... a) a mother, a father and a sister. b) a mother, a father and a grandmother. c) a mother, a father and a brother. 2. On Sundays Alex's family like to... a) ride horses in the country. b) ride bikes in the country. c) ride scooters in the park. Alex gave an interview (интервью) to Mag yesterday. Hands up! Clap,clap! Hands on the hips! Step,step! Bend your left, Bend your right, Turn yourself around. Hands up! Hands down! Hands at sides and sit down! It’s time to have a rest . Say what you like to do on Sundays Ask your classmates. Use the words: skate, play chess / tennis / piano, draw pictures, make a snowman, watch TV / video, play puzzles, ride (my) bike / scooter, play with (my) toys, read books, write letters, listen to music, roller skate, I take photos, fly a kite, have a picnic, play hide-and-seek Example: I like to play computer games. And you, Dasha? I like to walk in the park. And you, Masha? Say what you did last Sunday. Ask your classmates. Example: I took photos of my family last Sunday. And you, Dasha? Make a dialogue. Say what your classmate did yesterday. Use these words: have(had) lunch, read(read) a book, watch(watched) TV, do(did) his / her homework, draw(drew)the picture, ski(skied)in the park, play(played) chess, listen(listened)to music, play(played) the piano, take(took) photos, play(played) puzzles, make(made) a toy. Play the game "Mime and guess!" She (he) played chess yesterday. Example: Homework 1. Learn words, we’ll have dictation. 2. Write a short story about your family.