Презентация к Брейн-рингу по английскому языку

Brain ringдля 7А класуВиконала: учитель англійської мови Бочкарьова І.О.Білоцерківська гімназія № 2 Where wereThe first Olympic Games held?In RomeIn GreeceIn Egypt Find “good” or “bad” features of the character. Write them into appropriate column.Calm, mean, Kindstubborn,sociablepolite, independent, talkative, jealous, dangerous, Order the letters. Write the days of the week. odyaMn, ydaSnu, hTaydrus, dWnyaeesd, tayrSuda, ydauTse, iraydF. Write the names of months in order.August, December, April, September, July, January, November, February, June, March, October, May. ailshjokeczdecidebxathdidhngeoassemblylhlhunodlmlhlgncanteenreaeirfwnawlrulabrtsokeplsmtedklcourtnlfFind and circle 9 words