Своя Игра для 7 класса УМК Афанасьева О.В.

СВОЯ ИГРА ДЛЯ 7 КЛАССА, умк Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык(3й год обучения)Выполнила: Калинина А.Ю.Учитель английского языкаМБОУ «Школа №15 г. Благовещенска» Jeopardy {5940675A-B579-460E-94D1-54222C63F5DA}Travelling100200300400500The UK100200300400500Grammar100200300400500Guess what100200300400500Vocabulary1002003004005003 How can people travel4 The cat in the bagIt’s a town at the Black Sea in Russia. It’s very green and nice. It is a famous resort.Sochi5
ppt_y Holland is famous forCoffeePizzaTulipsResortsTourists6 Where is it situated?The AndesThe ThamesRome7 What could the English schoolchildren see and visit in Moscow?8 Trafalgar squareWhere is the monument to Admiral Nelson situated?9
ppt_y What is it?10 Scotland. Wales. England. Northern irelandWhat countries are included into the UK?11
ppt_y The loch-nessWhat is the biggest lake in the UK?12
ppt_y auctionWhat is Whitehall?13
ppt_y Article the or ------Black SeaVolgaBen NevisOntarioLondon14 Much or manySugarChocolateBooksStoriesHamCheese15 translateТакой же длинный какТакой же высокий какНе такой же сильный как16 The degrees of comparisonGood – Bad – Small – Fat – Comfortable - 17 Den is 20. Helen is 19. Who is older?Mike is 4. Sue is 7. who is younger?18 completeI hated my summer holidays. I think they were t……….19 Say it in englishСеверЮгЗападВосток20 СувенирSouvenireSuvenirsouvenir21 The cat in the bagWhat is it?22
ppt_y translateСтанция метроЖ/д станцияАвтобусная остановкааэропорт23 teaThis product was taken from China and now it is popular worldwide24
ppt_y auctionThe smallest country in the worldVatican25
ppt_y Double- decker busIt’s a symbol of London. It is red and very often is used for excursions26
ppt_y tokioThe biggest city in the world27
ppt_y The prime minister of the UKWho lives there: Downing Street, 1028
ppt_y Список использованной литературыАнглийский язык. Серия «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ» : 3й год обучения, 7 кл. : учеб. для общеобразоват. Учреждений / О.В. Афанасьева, И. В. Михеева – 4-е изд., стереотип. – М. : Дрофа, 2007. – 269, с ил. 29