Научно-исследовательская работа по английскому языку Влияние английского языка на российский молодёжный сленг

“The influence of the English Language on Russian Youth Slang "Выполнила: Мустафаева Айше учащаяся 10 класса ДОШ №4Руководитель: Веретюк Ю.А. учитель английского языка

INTRODUCTIONThe development of the global economic market, international tourism and cultural ties, using the INTERNET - all this has led to the emergence of new loanwords. Relevance of the study determined that the identification of patterns and features of the using and updating of youth slang can solve theoretical and practical issues of translation and study of modern Russian and English languages. Objective: to study, if English language is widely used as slang in Russian-speaking youth’s speech, and to identify the most frequently used anglo-american words in the language of Ukrainian students. Stages of the study:determine slang.determine causes of borrowing.study methods of education loansknow frequency of borrowing in the media and everyday speech.identify attitudes to the use and perception of slang. To solve the problems we used the following methods:Analysis of the literature and conceptual and terminological system for the formation of its position on the issue;-Work with the Internet;-Collect the material for the study, the analysis and synthesis;- Interview, questionnaire survey in order to identify attitude of classmates and students of school №4 to slang.   SUB-LANGUAGESLANG

Slang is a language peculiar to a particular group, an informal nonstandard vocabulary
ГеймерКликнутьАськаКульноОкейнозебестныйФрендыГайзыпэрэнтыКоннектитьсяФанбэйбиwаw,супер, yahoo, yes
style.rotation SLANG AND YOUTH SLANG AND ADULTS People use slang to add some emotions.People in most cases understand the meaning of the slang words. Russian people adapt words to Russian ears and Russian pronunciation or change some parts of English words according to Russian language rules.

All newspapers, magazines, TV programmes containing information about young people and their interests include a great number of slang words, most of which are English loans.
"HOT FIFTY"сен кю (thank you)пати (party)мыло (e-mail)хай, хэлоу (hi, hallo) геймер (gamer)реал, реально (real, really)пиплы, (people) аська (ICQ – I seek you)супер, (super) сори, (sorry)форевер (for ever)Yahoo, boom, oh и т. д.фак (fuck)плиз (please),
ppt_xppt_y conclusion:• spoken and literary language - different things. A youth slang - only part of the "big" language, a mixture of jargon, Internet - slang and foreign words.• slang words live in a modern language but not in a literary texts and they are considered undesirable for using in the standard language;• authorship of slang words and phrases is a certain group of people;• as a rule, the "slang disease " passes with age;• sometimes we often use slang words without any reason, and need Without a doubt, the Russian language in general and we young people are influenced by the English language.The main thing is to know the meaning of spoken words and use them in time. THANK YOU FOR ATTENTIONTHE END