Презентация Развитие лексических и грамматических навыков

Развитие лексических и грамматических навыков DictionaryСловарь 1 respirator - респиратор2 tin with paint - банка с краской3 brush - малярная кисть4 hose - шланг5 staircase - лестница6 overalls - комбинезон7 splashes - брызги8 jet - струя9 tail - хвост10 owl - сова11 boughs with leaf - ветки с листьями12 background - фон13 trunk - ствол Grammar Present Simple Present Progressive Present Perfect Past Simple 1) The house-painters love their work. 1) The house-painters are working. 1) The house-painters have worked since two o’clock. 1) The house-painters soiled the squirrel. 2) Do they rest? 2) The house-painters are . 2) They have painted a fence this week. 2) The house-painters gave brushes. 3) Sometimes they rest. 3) They are painting the trees now. 3) Have they already had supper? 3) The squirrel soiled. 4) Do they usually work ? 4) The owl is sitting on the bough. 4) They have already had dinner. 4) The squirrel frighteneded and ran away. 5) They often eat. 5) Are the house-painters resting now? 5) The house-painters have not worked hard this month, have they? 5) Did the house-painters rest yesterday? 6) The squirrel afraid of people. 6) Why are they painting now? 6) The house-painters have worked hard this month. 6) Did the paint dry? 7) They usually paint trees at one o’clock. 7) Are they smoking at this moment? 7) They have rested two days this week. 7) The house-painters soiled a cat two minutes ago. Story There are many different houses in the city. In order to it be nice the house it painted at different colours. But in every years the paint lose its colours and house-painters necessary for it. House-painter - it is a man ,who paint walls, houses, fences and even trees. We can to know house-painters at once. Brushes, tins, paint, spectacles and other - it their tooling. When they have good mood they paint everything what it find oneself in their way. House-painter - it is good and very necessary profession.