Презентация Письменная часть к ЕГЭ

Письменная часть экзамена по иностранному языку Критерии оценивания эссе1. Соответствие теме2. Структура.3. Логика.4. Лексическое наполнение.5. Грамматика, пунктуация, правописание6. Оформление. The Internet is going to oust TVThe Internet is going to oust TV. TV will be broadcasted through the Internet and there will be no need to TV signals. The ratings of some TV programmes are high and they keep increasing. Young generation doesn`t really watch TV. TV will remain as a provider of soap operas, English will remain the international language1. English is simple to learn, easier to learn.2. It is impossible to change the international language, because a lot of people are used to learn it. 3. There is no reason to change it.4. It has already established.5. It is used in the Internet, air navigation etc. Essay structureState the problemState the writer`s opinionState the opposite opinionRefute the opposite opinionRestate the problem and the writer`s opinion. It`s better to have a few close friends than a wide circle of acquaintanceA. With a few friends you can be sure that your secrets stay just between the two or the three of youB. Being dispersed among dozens of friends will never give you a feeling of having a soul mate.C. Trust and being reliable don`t depend on the number of friends. Your only friend can turn out to be a person who can`t keep secrets too.D. You can maintain close relationships even with dozens of friends. Логические связиI believe/ think/ to my mind/ my personal opinion/ as for meThere is another opinion/ the opponents of this idea say thatNevertheless, I suppose that/ they have a point in thinking like that, but/ however, you can`t really agreeSo/thus/ to sum up/ to conclude Логические связи внутри абзацаFirstlySecondlyBesidesMoreoverAnother argument they give is …They also think that …In additionFurther moreFinally Лексическое наполнениеОтсутствие слов –повторовИспользование синонимовВыделить ключевые слова Лексическое наполнениеA friend- acquaintance/ contact / mate / fellow- a close person/ someone to trust/ someone to rely onTo share secrets/ to have a bond of mutual affection/ hang out with/ associate with pal Лексическое наполнениеПерефразированиеEverybody needs to have some person, whom they can trust and rely, but how many such people should there be? Some people pal with a big number of fellows, others prefer to have exclusive relations with only a few mates. Грамматическое наполнение, пунктуация Постановка запятых - для выделения вводных словдля перечислениядля отделения придаточного предложения перед главнымдля разделения предложения при сочинительной связидля отделения дополнительной информации