Презентация по английскому языку The Nature in Danger

Выполнили :Гренадёров ИгорьДолгих Сергей Global Warning Natural Cataclysms Environmental contamination Heating of internal layers of the atmosphere, caused by a transparency of an atmosphere for the basic part of radiation of the Sun and absorption by an atmosphere of the basic part of thermal radiation of a surface of the planet which has been heated up by the Sun. In an atmosphere of the Earth radiation is absorbed by molecules Н2О, СО2, О3, etc. The Hotbed effect raises average temperature of the planet, softens distinctions between day time and night temperatures. As a result of anthropogenesis influences maintenance СО2 in an atmosphere of the Earth gradually grows. It is possible, that amplification of a hotbed effect as a result of this process can lead to global changes of a climate of the Earth. 1) TSUNAMI - the sea waves arising mainly as a result of shift upwards or downwards of extended sites of a sea-bottom at underwater and coastal earthquakes. 2) TORNADO - the atmospheric whirlwind arising in a storm cloud and extending downwards, frequently up to the surface of the Earth, as a dark cloudy sleeve or a trunk in diameter in tens and hundred in m. 3) EARTHQUAKE, tremors and the fluctuations of a terrestrial surface arising as a result of sudden displacement and breaks in an earth's crust or the top part of a cloak and transmitted on the big distances as elastic fluctuations Burnt fuel gets in an atmosphere, ground and the rivers become soiled industrial and household drains. These and many other factors negatively influence an environment that threatens a life of all alive essences. Now the nature is in danger and consequently the mankind should use all means for its safety. The encyclopedia The Internet