Презентация what should you do to keep fit (7класс)

The 10th of February Class work The aims of the lesson: Оқушыларға денсаулықты сақтау үшін не істеу керектігі жайлы кеңестер айту. Олардың тыңдау, жазу, есту қабілеттерін дамыту. “Should” модальді етістігі туралы өткен материалдарды жаңғырту. Ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру.Type of the lesson: дәстүрлі емес Methods: сұрақ – жауап, миға шабуыл, топтық жұмыс 1. “Food” 2. “Sport” 3. “Daily routine”I’ll divide you into 3 groups Dear friends from Kazakhstan!Hello! How are you? I think you are OK. What news in your school ?I am so-so. No news in our school. I am writing this letter andI want you to advice me. My health is not good. I get up late andI don’t have breakfast because I don’t want. I live near school but I go to school by bus. I don’t like to go on foot.I never eat fruits and vegetables because I don’t like them . In cold weather I don’t go out. I am afraid of having a cold. But I often have illnesses. I don’t know “Why?” I want you to give me advice “ What should I do to be healthy?”With love your friend Colin.II. Warm-upT: Today I received a letter from London. It was written by Colin . You know him. Let’ s read his letter . LETTER
1st group : You should eat healthy food. They are vegetables, fruits, fish, milk products. 2nd group: You should take sport games . You should play football, tennis, volleyball, swim, run, jump. 3rd group: You should keep our daily life. You should get up early, , go on foot, take exercises, wash hands before eating. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO TO KEEP FIT? New lesson GRAMMAR modal verb “should” Should - пайдалы ақыл кеңес бергенде қолданылады. You should take an umbrella. You shouldn’t sit in front of the TV. Should I go? keep fit бірқалыпта болуto do exercises жаттығу жасауregular жиіget up early ерте тұруgo in for sport спортпен шұғылдануshower нөсер (душ)enough жеткіліктіshould қажет, керекcereals злакиNEW WORDS 1The first task is to group the words which belongs to your names of group. Vegetables do exercises swimming Volleyball hiking Fruits tennis cleaning teeth running milk fish football hockey meat cheese jumping get up early wash hands have 3 meals go to bed early go on foot 2 What are these pictures mean?{D113A9D2-9D6B-4929-AA2D-F23B5EE8CBE7}Having regular Dieting to keep Not drinkingcheck-ups your weight down alcohol{08FB837D-C827-4EFA-A057-4D05807E0F7C}Not smoking{08FB837D-C827-4EFA-A057-4D05807E0F7C} Taking regular exercises{08FB837D-C827-4EFA-A057-4D05807E0F7C} Eating good quality food 3Which 2 do you think are the most important? Pupil’s answers 4 Writing GIVE ADVICE TO KEEP FIT. WRITE TWO LISTS. {08FB837D-C827-4EFA-A057-4D05807E0F7C}YOU SHOULDYOU SHOULDN’T How many times a day should people clean their teeth?What should people do before eating?What healthy food should people eat?What should people do if they have a toothache?What should people do if they have a cold?Questions about health

WORK WITH THE TEXTA recent survey shows that children in Britain aren’t as fit astheir parents and grandparents.The problem starts at school. Teachers nowadays have to givea lot of time to subjects like Maths, English, Geography,Chemistry and so pupils do less PE and Games. Also, most pupilsdon’t walk or cycle to school. Some go on the bus, but more andmore parents take their children to school and back by car.When they get home, they sit down and watch TV or playcomputer games. The survey says that sixty per cent of Britishchildren have got a television or computer in their bedroom.This problem about young people isn’t just a British problem.Surveys in other countries show that it’s happening all over theworld. Children eat too much junk food, they don’t read books,and they don’t take enough exercises, because they’ve got all these wonderful things - televisions, video-recorders, DVD-s, computers, cars.7. Read the magazine article and find words. School subjects Technology PHYSICAL MINUTE 17 Get up early and go to bed earlyWash your hands before eatingSmokeWatch TV too longGo in for sportsClean your teeth once a daySleep enoughTake a cold showerEat too many sweetsSpend much time indoorsEat between mealsAir the roomYou shouldYou shouldn’tHealth Code

Get up early and go to bed earlyWash your hands before eatingGo in for sportsSleep enoughTake a cold showerAir the roomYou should


SmokeWatch TV too longClean your teeth once a dayEat too many sweetsSpend much time indoorsEat between mealsYou shouldn’t

What do you do to keep fit?A magic flower Your reflections:- Did you like the lesson? Home taskTo read the text. Write a short composition use these questions as a plan of exercise 6 page 111 The lesson is over! Thank you for your attention!Good bye!